Bump Hunting 2: The Big Tease

Speaking of cryptic particle physcis results, noted rumor-monger Tommaso Dorigo has a rather long post about the ongoing Higgs search. It basically boils down to "There are new results due to be released soon, and I'm not going to talk about them," which wouldn't seem to require 2000 words, but there you go.

Anyway, if you're anxiously following the search for the Higgs boson, he's hinting away about the upcoming update to the small signal that created a bit of a stir back in January. If there's anything to it, that would be really exciting, but for now, only people within CDF know, and they're not talking in public.

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Hello Chad,

well, I will explain this one. Yesterday I wrote a long post, which - as I always try to do - before discussing the new CDF physics result on MSSM Higgs search contained a long introduction on the relevant physics at a level suitable for outsiders. Then, just before posting it, I checked something that I thought had happened: that is, a presentation of the results of the analysis at Fermilab.
I recalled there had been a "wine and cheese" talk there last week, and I was sure it was about that result - but I double checked, and alas: it was about another search for MSSM higgs in CDF! One I had reported about already in fact.

So I was stuck with a nice post I could not release. The result IS public, but there are no links yet to point to, and I want to wait until the authors have had a chance to show it themselves first. My blog is not as high-traffic as yours, but publishing something there has harming potential nonetheless.

So I finally decided to leave the experimental result out, and give a refreshment on the theory. Which allowed me to actually take out a small stone from my shoe, when I explained that these results have some intrinsic flaw.


PS thanks for the link... BTW, you never bothered linking my blog in your blogroll column! May I ask you to add it ?

Back in the day, my wife was on the local school board, and they were looking for a name for the new stadium. I suggested "Higgs Field", but couldn't get anyone to bite.

Sigh...... It's the lost opportunities we regret, not the mistakes.

BTW, you never bothered linking my blog in your blogroll column! May I ask you to add it ?

Sorry about that. I mostly use RSS these days, so I've gotten really bad about updating the blogroll. I just did a big update, and you're in there now.