links for 2007-11-19


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Neanderthal Bones Make a Case for Redheads - New York Times Make up your own Irish joke. (tags: science news biology) Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: Teaching Professors to Be More Effective Teachers Targeted efforts to teach how to read scholarly texts…
Monkeys perform arithmetic as well as college students I knew that. (tags: academia education biology math psychology news science) Merck Manual for Pet Health - Ferret Hit by an Arrow? Here's a Book for You - New York Times The Merck/Merial Manual for Pet Health: Home Edition: Because…
Scathing Amazon Reviewer Revealed as Author Orlando Figes' Wife - AOL News Why didn't I try-- oh, right. Because Kate has integrity, as do I. That's why. (tags: books literature history stupid internet) Backreaction: It comes soon enough "I think of the future frequently - and more often than…
You may or may not have noticed the absence of the "Links for [Date]" posts the last couple of days. There's been some sort of glitch at, and they didn't auto-post the way they usually do. You may or may not have missed them, but I do, so below the fold you'll find the big long list of…