Thanksgiving 2007

Kate and I will be hosting Thanksgiving again this year, but not until Saturday, for reasons having to do with pet-sitting-- the Queen of Niskayuna will not tolerate inferior dogs (i.e., any dog who isn't her) in her house, and for some reason, it's hard to find a pet-sitter for Thanksgiving Day. Imagine that. Anyway, we'll be doing some advance food prep today, but the big turkey dinner will but put off for a couple of days.

So, we won't be having the traditional gluttony, but it's still traditional to take at least a few moments to reflect on what you're grateful for over the past year, and really, it's a ridiculously long list this year. Since last Thanksgiving, I got tenure, Kate and I spent three weeks in Japan and one in the Caribbean, and I got a book contract from a major publisher. It's been an insanely good year, on a personal level, and I'm grateful for all of it. Especially my family, because none of this would be as enjoyable without Kate, my parents, my sister, my grandmother, Kate's family, my friends and colleagues at work, and so on. And Emmy, of course.

And, of course, I'm thankful for all of the people reading this. Which, honestly, I still find kind of boggling-- the number and variety of people who read this blog is almost intimidating. I feel like I owe you better blogging than this.

So, anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone (even my non-US readers who have no idea what I'm talking about). May you have many things to be thankful for, and be thankful for what you have.


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Ahem. Some of us non-USians who do know what you're talking about already gave our thanks. On the second Monday of October, when the holiday belongs.

Sorry. Passive-agressive Canuck complex.

Congratulations on your success -- may it continue indefinitely.