Open Letter to Mike Huckabee

Hey, Mike. Rough month, eh? You're doing all right in the polls at the moment, but just getting hammered from all sides in the blogosphere. You're getting blasted for denying evolution, but also for not denying it fiercely enough for Ann Coulter. People are none too happy about your ill-informed ideas about public health, or your attempts to link law and religion. And to top it all off, you got dogged by a seven-year-old girl.

Dude, that's harsh.

I'm here to help, though, Mike. I've got your back at ScienceBlogs.

No, I don't actually agree with any of your goober-iffic views on science, morality, or public policy. But that doesn't really matter, because as I said some months ago, my endorsement is up for grabs. Come to Schenectady, play me in basketball, and I'll endorse you for the Republican primaries. You've got a good shot of beating me, too-- I've taken a couple of weeks off to recover from some nagging injuries, and I've been eating way too much over the holidays. A fitness freak like you ought to be able to run circles around me.

It's your chance to turn things around on the blogging side. And, hey, remember what happened to Stephen Colbert-- he didn't respond when I called him out, and a few days later, he was out of the race.

Just something to think about, Mike. You're not going to get a better offer from anyone else at ScienceBlogs, I can tell you that...


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Er, there appears to be a typo. "denyong" should be "denying"

By Joshua Zelinsky (not verified) on 26 Dec 2007 #permalink

Well. You learn something new every day.

In this case, since it has long been apparent that Ann Coulter is just a horrible human being (not an accusation I throw about trivially) and consequently since I have long since ceased paying attention to her....

...I had no idea she was a creationist. Amazingly, I have even less respect for her, now. I hadn't really thought that possible, without hearing about a murder conviction.

By John Novak (not verified) on 26 Dec 2007 #permalink

How much advantage did Night Basketball afford current-day unctuous swine carbon credit arbitrageur Albert Gore (a confluence of overwhelming ignorance with overweening arrogance)? Lie big, demand pelf, and cut friends in on the swag.

To maintain an untenable position you must be actively ignorant, as with religion. Innate stupidity or insanity are passively adequate.

@ Uncle Al:
