Neo-Conservative T Cells

I've had miserable problems with hives over the past few years. I'm not sure what it is that I'm allergic to, but I take a distressing number of pills in an attempt to control the itching.

The past few days, I've been coming down with a cold-- sinuses full of gunk, a bit of a sore throat, etc. You might think that, presented with a real enemy to attack, my immune system could rally up and go after the viruses responsible, but instead, they've redoubled their efforts at self-immolation, and I'm itching like crazy.

Just what I need: my immune system is under the control of Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney. They know one thing to attack, and use any provocation at all to go after it like a deranged terrier.

I think I need to spread a rumor that my sinuses are developing WMD's...


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Have you ever trialled sinus irrigations with NS? I wonder if you have a colony that just hasn't been accessible to mechanical flushing via nose blowing.

So sorry that you are having the itch miseries. Topical vinegar and witch hazel are two soothers (especially if kept refrigerated)to try if you haven't already.

Hives are one of the common side-effects of medications. It is posible that you developed an alergic reaction to some of your meds that you have been taking a long time.

I would suggest to discuss your problem with an allergy specialist. You tell him what kind of medications you have been taking long-term, and ask your primary care physicians if you can be prescribed substitute meds for few months, to see if the hives go away. You mentioned that you take stuff for neck muscle pain: several non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents are known to have the hives problems. And these allergic reactions can be very "idiosyncratic" - they maybe happen to one patient in thousand so the primary care physicians may not be aware of this possibility.

So I would see if you can have your prescription changed.
Also, if its not too much trouble you can stop using fabric softeners and avoid antibacterial soaps, and check for pet hair allergies.

It could be worse. You could have lupus:

So, maybe hives aren't so bad, although they can sure itch.
They may be allergy related, in which case, some
antihistamines may help (Talk with your doctor first!).

You may also have been sensitized to a particular allergen.

Also, try to rule out things such as various household
products which sometimes cause allergenic responses. I've
had trouble over the years with certain laundry detergents
leaving a residue which causes a skin rash. Certain
soaps, shampoos, colognes, etc., may also have this effect.

In any case, good luck getting rid of them.


When I was in my thirties I had some horrendous sleepless nights, my body covered with hives. I went to a doctor and he told me it was a meat protein allergy. Beef, deer, and pork seemed to be the triggers.

I'm 54 now, and the allergy has moderated. I can eat small quantities of any meat now, but I try to stay away from fatty pork.

Back then the doctor prescribed an antihistamine pill, but each dosage was over a dollar. The hell with that -- I switched over to poultry and seafood.