Meet the Babies

From this weekend's visit home, a picture of my father and me, with our respective babies:


You recognize SteelyKid, I hope. The fuzzy yellow guy is Bodie, my parents' new Labrador Retriever puppy. Bodie is one day older than SteelyKid, and true to his Labrador breeding, he's a born experimentalist, running around the house giving everything an exploratory bite or two. You can even see him eying SteelyKid:


He's thinking "I could totally eat that."

And, of course, as a puppy, he maintains an unassailable dignity at all times, even when sleeping:


OK, maybe not so much with the dignity thing.

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So is Bodie your little brother by adoption? That makes him SteelyKid's adopted uncle! When he's eyeing SteelyKid, I get the feeling he's more interested in stealing her pacifier to chew on and eat rather than SteelyKid herself.

Heh. We acquired a couple of Savannah kittens (and their mom) recently. I was reminded of the Kitten Code (as formulated by Jordin}: If it moves, bite it. If it doesn't move bite it anyway. My addendum; ...because it might move later.

SteelyKid is lovely as ever -- to my eye she begins to resemble Kate. And the puppy is really cute. Kittens sleep like that too,


I am glad to see your use of the all important "football" carry for babies. Really, I have 4 kids and this is the best way to carry babies. Very unlikely to fumble.