"Let all those who do justice and love mercy, say amen."

Joseph Lowery wins the Inauguration.

Obama's speech was no slouch, either, but anybody who gets a hundred thousand people to yell "Amen!" wins.

I'm wearing a T-shirt today that says "I deeply resent the way this administration makes me feel like a nutbar conspiracy theorist." And I can't really express how happy I will be to retire it, at least as regards presidential politics, for the next several years. Much as I like the shirt, I hope it's gone for good.



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I agree that Lowery was the best part of the whole ceremony. I also got a kick out of Yo Yo Ma's obvious joy and enthusiasm.

I was there. Warren was awful. The poet was mediocre. Lowery was great. I was OK with inauguration speech, but it didn't get my blood going terribly. I like being counted (unbeliever), ranked last, but at least mentioned.

By Counterfly (not verified) on 20 Jan 2009 #permalink