Old and Lame, but Funny

I'm walking a little gingerly today, thanks to an injury to my left foot. Sadly, this was not the result of anything cool, like rescuing orphans from a burning building, or dunking a basketball in order to win a league championship. Instead, I bruised the bottom of my foot by landing on one of Emmy's bones while frog-hopping across the room to entertain SteelyKid.

This is in a fine family tradition-- my father once blew out a knee trying to do the cossack dance for me-- but it's worth it. In the last week or two, she's started laughing just about every time she sees me-- evidently, I am the funniest person in the universe. And you know, I'm good with that, because as one of my colleagues pointed out, ten or twelve years from now, I'm going to be the most embarrassing person in the universe...

There's no video of the frog-hopping (thankfully), but below the fold is a clip of another endlessly entertaining game.

This is me bouncing her up and down on my knee, like a pony ride. She loves this, and can do it for... maybe not hours, but tens of minutes, which is hours in Baby Time. When I stop, she'll flail her arms and legs like Yosemite Sam yelling "Yah, mule!" until I start bouncing her again.

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Very nice! But you know, I would seriously consider paying money to see you do that with SteelyKid on one knee and Emmy on the other.

Baby laughter - way to add a smile to my morning. She's just going to get more fun!

Cute kid. You have done well.

And your right. Enjoy the good times to the fullest because it is a mix.

ten or twelve years from now,the most embarrassing person in the universe

It's entirely possible that you'll only be the SECOND most embarrassing person in the universe...

By Michael I (not verified) on 01 May 2009 #permalink