Friday Giant Children Blogging 082815

SteelyKid starts second grade next week, and her summer project was to read Julius, the Baby of the World and make a poster with baby pictures of herself. This, of course, led to looking at a lot of old photos of SteelyKid, including many of the Baby Blogging shots I took back in the day with Appa for scale.

And now, of course, both kids are way bigger than Appa, so they wanted some up-to-date scale photos. Which, of course, I had to share with the Internet. So, behold, the attack of the giant children:

SteelyKid and the Pip are HUGE! SteelyKid and the Pip are HUGE!
Standing photo so you can see Appa for proper scaling. Standing photo so you can see Appa for proper scaling.

(The side-eye from The Pip is not because he's skeptical about the picture-taking, but because he'd rather be watching the TV, out of frame to the right...)

And that's how things look in what would be week 368 of Baby Blogging had we kept that up...

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Awesome. I loved your Appa-scale pictures from the start, and this really puts them in context.

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 28 Aug 2015 #permalink