Thursday Baby Blogging 080609

Even though Kate and I are en route to Montreal, dodging Assassins des Fauteuils Rollents, through the miracle of post scheduling, you get your Thursday Baby Blogging. To get around the problems posed by her new mobility, we'll fall back on a classic: the sleeping-baby picture:


If you look at the file name, you'll see that this is Week 52 of Thursday Baby Blogging. And, indeed, Friday is SteelyKid's first birthday, hooray! The year has gone by really quickly, except when it dragged horribly (usually in the wee hours, with Shrieky Baby).

For perspective, here's a flashback to the very first Baby Blogging picture:


She's grown just a little bit in the last year...

Happily, she's still the very cutest baby in the universe, and a lot more fun now that she's fully interactive.

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Happy First Birthday to SteelyKid!

Happy first birthday to Appa and SteelyFamily too!

By Kate from Iowa (not verified) on 06 Aug 2009 #permalink

Happy Birthday, Steelykid!

By Michael I (not verified) on 06 Aug 2009 #permalink

Happy first birthday! I've asked My Lovely Wife (with the purple hair) to deliver her and my congrats in person if she can. I, sadly, can't make it to Montreal this weekend.