Software Update Baby Blogging 010908

SteelyKid says, "Yay, Movable Type Upgrade!"


ScienceBlogs as a whole is having some work done under the hood, upgrading the back end that we use to manage all the blogs. The system is highly customized, so it's going to take a while-- the site will be static (in the sense of "not changing," not "the color of a television tuned to a dead channel") starting around noon today, and ending mid-day Saturday if all goes well.

Of course, these things never go as smoothly as you would like, and any software upgrade inevitably winds up breaking stuff that was working perfectly well. For that reason, we've postponed this week's Baby Blogging by 24 hours, so there'll be something cute on the top of the blog while the system is down.

In more baby-specific news, SteelyKid turned five months old on Wednesday, and remains the cutest baby in the universe. After a bit of drama on her first day at day care, she's settling in well, eating and sleeping just fine, and she's been happy and smiling the last couple of days when I picked her up after work.

She has two teeth, on the bottom in the front, which she's very proud of. She takes every opportunity to chomp down on parental fingers, to show off her new dentition. She's also eating two slightly different forms of watery gruel-- rice cereal, and oat cereal. We'll probably expand to include squash this weekend, which will be more colorful, if nothing else.

Anyway, there will be no new posts until after the upgrade, and comments will be closed during the upgrade as well. We should be back and better than ever sometime Saturday or Sunday, and regular blogging will resume at that time.

See you on the other side.


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And be prepared for the ever-amusing guessing game, "What was *this*", when you notice that what comes *out* has a distinct resemblance to what goes *in*.

Shouldn't that be 010909?