March of the (Wooden) Penguins

One of SteelyKid's birthday gifts from my parents was a wheeled wooden penguin on a stick. If you roll it along the ground, the wings flap, with a very satisfying clacking noise. It took SteelyKid a little while to get the hang of it, but she's got the idea now:

Really, I don't have anything to say here, other than "Look at the silly flappy penguin toy!"

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Be sure to make lots of copies of all the kid clips so you can use them as leverage when they are in their teens. Cute as all get out today will be mortifying in a few years. Store your collection is remote spots, perhaps a DVD in the safe deposit box, so they don't 'disappear' or suffer a calamity.

How fortunate SteelyKid is to have grandparents who pick out toys that are hard to resist playing with . . . if it were in my house, I would have had to give it a test drive, you know, just to be sure it worked and all.