Silly Poll: Choose Only One

I have a Dorky Poll idea for later in the day, but let's get this out of the way first:

Don't say I never gave you these options.


More like this

All of the above.

I'm holding out for a public option.

Right now, with 60 responses, the words are nearly tied. The "mere exposure effect" would suggest that people would like the more frequently word more, and might well vote for it more as a consequence. Curious, I looked up the frequency of two words in three standard corpora:

BOTH 70 730 1703
NEITHER 6 141 591

Mildly surprising! "Both" is a lot more frequent, especially in spoken language (the first column). Perhaps people in this context like to be contrary and devious.

See, real science going on in this very blog!

Very Zen--I like it.

I chose neither. Maybe that means I picked the second option, or maybe I didn't take the poll at all. And none of you will ever know which! (insert evil laughter)

By Scott Simmons (not verified) on 07 Oct 2009 #permalink

I have been unable to do anything all day because of your question.

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 08 Oct 2009 #permalink

I love at this very moment after I voted that the voting is tied 101-101.