Happy Halloween, Baby

SteelyKid says "Daddy, I can help with your puppet show. Look at this awesome dragon puppet Grandma got me!"


In this, you can also see a bit of the Halloween outfit her great-grandmother gave her. There are a couple of pictures below the fold that show it more clearly:

Here's one of her obligingly looking at the camera:


I kind of prefer this one where she's grinning toothily at Kate, just out of the frame on the left:


Happy Halloween to everybody who won't be offended by being wished a happy Halloween.

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For a really memorable mental image, imagine the post title in the voice of the Kurgan taunting nuns in Highlander.

"Nuns. No sense of humor."

You're welcome.

Happy Halloween, SteelyKid, and Chad and Kate and Emmy!

By Elizabeeth (not verified) on 31 Oct 2009 #permalink

Happy Halloween!