Thursday Baby Blogging 111909

Actually, this ought to be "Wednesday Morning Baby Blogging," as that's when the picture was taken. Kate and I are going to New York City for the weekend, though, and SteelyKid is spending the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa in Scenic Whitney Point. So, you get an early picture, posted late:


This was taken just before we bundled her off to day care Wednesday. Kate's playing the "got your red dog" game-- for some reason, when you pop the pacifier out of SteelyKid's mouth, she finds it hilarious. Provided that you give it back pretty quickly, that is...

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SteelyKid is off spending a weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's, so this week's picture was actually taken early Wednesday morning: The early hour accounts for both the pacifier (she wasn't willing to give it up yet) and the frizzy hair (bed-head toddler!). I'm pretty sure she hasn't grown measurably…
So, this was my weekend: Saturday: Drive to my parents' with Kate and SteelyKid for Easter. Sunday: Drive back to Niskayuna with Kate, leaving SteelyKid with Grandma and Grandpa Monday: Teach my 9:15 class, then drive to Ithaca to give a physics colloquium at Cornell, then drive back to my parents…
I almost killed the Pip last week. By accident, of course, but I do mean that literally. His day care was closed for the day, so I took him out to the store to avoid a freakout when Mommy left. I was heading into the store with him in one arm and a hot cup of tea in the other hand, chattering…
For this week's Baby Blogging, we have a shot of Kate helping SteelyKid with her new favorite game: It's called "Take off my shoes, and put them back on." She can play this for hours. It would be even cuter if she could do the putting on and taking off herself, but alas, she's still kind of…

When my nephew was a baby he loved popping his pacifier out of his mouth like that. He also figured out pretty fast that it made us laugh, so he did it all the time!

Wow, she's growing fast. I'm amazed.

Ongoing thanks for the Thursday baby blogging. It's my favorite thing.

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 20 Nov 2009 #permalink