Thursday Baby Blogging 040810

"What's SteelyKid doing for amusement now that the weather is all nice and stuff?," you ask. Well, here's your answer: she's giving her sky-bison rides on the swing in the back yard:


"Wait a minute," you say, "isn't it, like, 80 degrees there? Why's she wearing a coat?"

Look, man, when the Empress decides she wants to wear her coat, she's going to wear her coat. There's no reasoning with a willful toddler.

Fortunately, she's pretty darn cute. And swinging is highly entertaining:


Of course, at some point, you have to call it a night, pack up your sky-bison, and head in for the night:


(It wasn't actually pitch dark when I took these-- it was barely twilight. The sensor in the camera doesn't have the same sensitivity to light as the human eye, though (and the flash exacerbates the effect), so it looks darker than it did to us. So don't go reporting that we're terrible parents for letting our kid play outside in the middle of the night...)

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Look, man, when the Empress decides she wants to wear her coat, she's going to wear her coat. There's no reasoning with a willful toddler.

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