Thursday Baby Blogging 042910

SteelyKid has a cold, again, so she's kind of unhappy tonight. There's a picture of a slightly bleary SteelyKid with Appa below the fold, but that's kind of a downer, so here's some video from the other night, showing her new favorite game:

(She'll do this for hours. Well, ten minutes, at least, but it feels like hours when you're the one being ordered around and jumped on...)

Here's the Appa picture, for completeness:


Mommy and the Red Dog make things a little more bearable, but she hasn't been a happy camper today.

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Okay, the video has made my (early) day.

By Kenneth G. Cavness (not verified) on 30 Apr 2010 #permalink

We watched that video FOUR TIMES before she would deign to get her coat and go to daycare.

(*Hugely* energetic this morning, no fever, much less snot, but I'll probably try and get her into the doctor just because of her history and because it's Friday.)

Ah, I remember playing that game with my niece when she was Steelykid's age! The niece's version didn't involve jumping on me, fortunately.