Thursday Baby Blogging 060310

I sometimes get comments asking why so many of the baby blogging pictures are taken from above. The answer is twofold: 1) I'm rather tall, and thus it's hard for me to get down to baby level to take pictures straight on, and 2) when I do try to get down to baby level, most of the pictures come out like this:


SteelyKid, like Emmy, interprets "Daddy near ground level" as "time to play" and comes charging over to me. It's usually dumb luck if I manage to get the camera up before she pounces on me.

So, if you want Appa-for-scale images, you're generally stuck with shots from above:


Fortunately, she's still cute from that angle.

(This is just barely going to sneak in as Thursday baby blogging, because I have a ton of work to do, and Kate's in NYC, so I've been doing the solo parent thing today. Whee!)

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