Toddler Thermodynamics

As seen in yesterday's post, SteelyKid got a grill this weekend:


This led to one of the cutest toddler anecdotes to date, which I'll put below the fold for the sake of those heartless souls who don't like cute kids.

SteelyKid was running around with an ice cube in a paper cup, because ice is pretty neat, and Kate's mom asked what she had. SteelyKid sumped it out into her hands, and Kate's mom said "Oh, that's cold."

SteelyKid replied "I warm it up," took the ice cube back, put it in the paper cup, put the cup on her toy grill, closed the lid for a few seconds, then brought it back. "Warm it up!"

It didn't seem like the best time to explain to her about the heat of fusion. Maybe when she's three.

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But, but, but, ice out of a domestic freezer is probably between -15 and -20 oC (unless your freezer is faulty). That's pretty uncomfortably cold, and would, say, freeze to your tongue. Ice that's been warming up in a drink for a while may be something more like -5oC, and is comfortably crunchable. Steelykid may be more observant than you give credit for.

By stripey_cat (not verified) on 10 Aug 2010 #permalink


Good of you to resist the urge to educate.