Botany for Kids

Kate's arguing a case in Connecticut today, so I was solo-parenting last night and this morning. which means that while I did manage to watch Cosmos last night, and have some thoughts about it, I don't have the time or energy to write them up this morning. As explanation, I offer this video from dinner last night, in which SteelyKid and The Pip explore subtle issues of plant biology:

As you might guess, it's very trying to deal with such sullen and mopey children all the time...

This was also on the heels of a classmate's birthday party with SteelyKid on Saturday, which was preceded by two hours of carnival rides at Niska-Day, which was preceded by SoccerTots with The Pip, all of which came at the end of one of the worst work weeks I've had in the last 15 years. So, all in all, it's a miracle I'm coherent enough to cut-and-paste embed code from YouTube and treat you to cute-kid video this morning.

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