Please hope for Annika

My small friend Annika is in the PICU in Chicago, on a ventilator and delirious. Anni is 7, and has already had two liver transplants. The current visit is particularly scary 'cause they can't work out what is wrong with her. More info from her mom's blog is here. If you are the praying sort, please pray. If you are the non-praying sort, please hope. If you are the giving sort, consider donating some money to help cover her medical costs here. And sign up to be an organ donor, too.

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Also, if you're eligible, give blood!

Thank you, Alice. We're flummoxed, and so are the docs.

Allison--yes, Anni has been very dependent on blood products throughout this whole thing.

By the way, the donation site was set up during a time when we lost our insurance, and we are back among the insured now (which is not to say that there aren't significant costs involved--but they are certainly manageable costs). So those interested in helping might visit organizations advocating for universal healthcare, like Universal Healthcare Action Network

I'm hoping. For everyone involved.

By Luna_the_cat (not verified) on 07 Sep 2008 #permalink