InaDWriMo: Alice's writing goals

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgOkay, I'm in. I seriously need to get my writing in gear, and even though I'm still trying to do the tips from AFNFM, I'm finding I need an additional push to actually put fingers to computer and do anything other than email. So here are my InaDWriMo goals:

  • Write the first draft of the Gender Paper from my dissertation, to be submitted to this journal CFP.
  • Draft a paper on gender theory and literature outside of engineering education, with a colleague.
  • Revise and resubmit this paper.
  • I'm not sure how many words that will be, but I'll try to work it out and post a little meter thingie like Dr. Brazen Hussy has.

    I don't have a cute kid to share photos of, but here's a photo of my jack 'o' lantern... :-)

    2008 jack o' lantern

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Welcome to the writing club. For the next month, we try to push writing to the top of the daily to-do list.

(right after commenting on blogs, in my case!)

I am so going to do this.....

as soon as the election is over.

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By Anonymous (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

Love the idea of a graph charting progress. i'm gonna make me one too!