Bloggy goodness

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgI'm going to share a few wonderful links to ease my transition back into the on-line world.
First, there's a new photoblogger on the Scienceblogs' Photo Synthesis blog. BJ Bollender is the training coordinator for disability awareness and assistive technology in Arizona. She always travel with camera in hand, and she's got an eye for natural wonders, including rocks and minerals (yay!). Check out her gorgeous first post.

There's another new blogger 'round these parts: Eric Michael Johnson of The Primate Diaries. I know that Eric is a Sciencewomen reader, because he won a Recycled Ideas gifty from me a few thousand internet memes ago. Eric is also a very new parent. (It does strike me however, that the near simultaneous move to Scienceblogs and the arrival of his child is an example of how men aren't nearly as burdened by the whole pregnancy/birth/lactation thing as women.) In any case, I hope he'll add to the cadre of parent blogging around here. Congrats, Eric!

Finally, GrrlScientist is a leading contender to be the official blogger of a Quark Expeditions trip to Antarctica. I don't know any bloggers that would do a better a job describing that icy wonderland. Just listen to GrrlScientist describe the contest and why she wants to go. As Jess Palmer (of Bioephemera) tweeted:

Help Grrlscientist win the official blogger slot on trip to Antarctica! Registration takes ~3 min - but she deserves it!

As of this writing GrrlScientist (registered under the pseudonym Devorah Bennu) is in second place: 493 votes to 541 votes. So go vote!

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Devorah Bennu is the pseudonym for the pseudonymous blogger kown as Grrrrrrrl Scientist, of Living the Scientific Life. In the ongoing contest to send a blogger to Antarctica, she has sat in third place, just a few dozen votes behind Don Osmond (who is, indeed, related to the original Mormon…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 2620 - 1208 - 1201 - 1172 - 1154 out of 397 candidates registered. I received just SIX VOTES in the past 24 hours and now a new third place contender is catching up with me! I need your help to recapture first place, so please ask your friends…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 921 - 683 - 652 - 621 - 401 out of 266 candidates registered. I am still in second place, and now there's a new third place candidate who is benefiting from a renewed surge of support. If you've already voted, then please encourage your family,…
Another competitor in the competition has endorsed me to be your official Antarctica blogger: Rooth MacMillan, from Canada! She writes; I wanted to say a big thank you to all of you who made it through the onerous voting process and were successful in casting a vote for me - I know it's been a…