HR 810 Passes in Senate

I'm on vacation right now, but I had to come out of hiding for this one. HR 810 passed in the senate today, 63-37. That was enough to meet the 60 vote mark for passage, but it won't be enough (four votes short) to override the presidential veto that Bush is still promising. The future of stem cell research in America still very much hangs in the balance.

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Brownback's antics aside, HR 810 passed today 63-37, not enough to overide any veto Bush wants to throw in the way. It's wonderful how someone who shows all signs of having slept his way through science classes gets to override the general public, the scientific community and the Senate on this…
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Could be time for "red staters" to write their Senators to get them to ignore the drooling Fundamentalists and vote to over-ride the veto.

By thomas Barta (not verified) on 19 Jul 2006 #permalink