Why today sucked

1. Baby Jane, who is one of the world's best sleepers, woke herself up coughing last night, then decided that if she was up, then the rest of us should be, too.

2. Which culminated in a 4am full-blown, all-out temper tantrum.

3. I got 3 hours of sleep. That number may be a bit generous.

4. This is on top of the huge sleep deficit I'm currently running.

5. Research is slooooooooooow. Software issues + summer students holding data hostage (OK, not responding to my emails, for like weeks now....I think I need to threaten to take them off the current pub author list) + finding it hard to find time to work on the stuff I really need to work on = bleh.

6. Class today went poorly. Really poorly. And this class has been awesome all year---love the students, students love me, we all love the material. Today? Not so much love for anyone or anything.

7. Did I mention that I was observed today? Yeah.

8. Too much time spent on things that are not going to earn me tenure, here or elsewhere.

9. And finally, no reprieve tomorrow: Tuesday is my busiest day of the week.

I think I'm going to run away and "forget" to leave a forwarding address. Or drink heavily. Or both.

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Somehow I think telling mr jane about your dreams isn't getting the message across about the sleep deprivation.

A tip for dealing with baby jane's midnight cry-feasts:
Take turns with mr jane to take baby out to the car, to just listen to tunes and calm down, while the other gets quiet time to sleep.

Zero advice on the baby thing. Sleep is good. Lack of sleep = I don't know how you do it at all.

If it makes you feel any better, I had a really crappy week last week so I totally know how you feel, bleh, wanting to drink, all of it.

Hang in there. Sleep usually helps a lot.