Has Wyland Sold Out?

Wyland has been described as the "Marine Michelangelo". He has painted nearly 100 murals of whales around the world. We even have one here in Vancouver (see photo). I am crazy about Wyland murals. My loved ones know this and they have found a number of Wyland products to substitute for the murals, which they can't afford.

First, I got some notecards...

And then I got a bread plate...
And then I got Wyland Monopoly...

And then a desk calendar...

When I was in Kona, Hawaii last month, I visited a Wyland gallery. The art seemed to target the sport fishing crowd with sculptures of billfishes, which I loudly accused of being "not in the spirit of Wyland" (Wyland Monopoly was pushing it).
And then the salesperson told me about the new line of Wyland hotels. Since when does an 'arteeest' open up hotels? "Wyland is winding down with the murals, but the hotels will be decorated with his ocean art," he assured me. I frowned. "Wyland has an excellent business sense." I scowled. I am happy that Wyland is financially successful, but at what point (if any) will/did Wyland's profession tip from quality to quantity? From "Marine Michelangelo" to "Marine Mercenary"...

p.s. Oh yeah, I forgot I actually have the personal checks, too (thanks for the reminder, knwd)...


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You'll have to show me the mural when I come to Vancouver in May....

Why let any "sellout" behavior alter your enjoyment of the works you like(d)? Are you buying the work or Wyland himself? Or some fictional version of the latter?

The author is dead and all that remains is the text...

I hate to tell you this, but Michelangelo did it for the money, too.

By Benjamin Franz (not verified) on 27 Aug 2007 #permalink

Don't forget about his new line of personal checks:

I saw them recently, when I had to reorder checks through my credit union. They were advertised alongside Thomas Kinkaid, and so they sort of screamed SELL OUT to me. I wasn't going to mention it to you, but since you brought it up...

I kind of dig the little pewter sea creatures from the Monopoly game-- Reminds me of something I saw at Pottery Barn! ;P

There are always two sides to a coin. in this case, i recently picked up his book "Hold Your Water: 68 things you need to know to keep our planet blue." it was quite good and unlike anything Wyland has ever done. I've always been impressed by how well Wyland works with kids, especially when he's painting one of the kids murals. He's done these all over (not just near the ocean, but in "exotic" places like Dubuque, Iowa, and Memphis, TN. And some are of local rivers and lakes). He's very patient and the kids are always excited about painting marine life.

I believe Wyland has true talent and I stand firmly by Wyland's murals, which are what inspired me (and my loved ones) to acquire Wyland knick knacks. But it reaches a point when one day I'll be sitting on a Wyland toilet in a Wyland hotel and think: This is crap.

I personaly think that Wyland is awesome but I have to agree with you jennifer.:)

The restaraunts were a failure. I wish him well and still want to meet him but he may be better off sticking with galleries and encouraging new artists.