Weekend Diversion: The world’s first Vine from space (Synopsis)

“I saw for the first time the earth’s shape. I could easily see the shores of continents, islands, great rivers, folds of the terrain, large bodies of water. The horizon is dark blue, smoothly turning to black. . . the feelings which filled me I can express with one word—joy.” -Yuri Gagarin

Most weekends, you can come here and count on me to provide you with a diversion from the science, space and astrophysics we normally talk about during the week. But this weekend, I've got something far too spectacular about the Universe to keep to myself. So have a listen to a classic from The Byrds from way back in the space age,

Mr. Spaceman,

while I introduce you the greatest six seconds of footage ever collapsed into a Vine on Twitter.

Animation credit: Reid Wiseman/NASA, via https://vine.co/v/MD1eEQEjM9u, converted with gifvine.co. Animation credit: Reid Wiseman/NASA, via https://vine.co/v/MD1eEQEjM9u, converted with gifvine.co.

Astronaut Reid Wiseman is new aboard the International Space Station, and this is, in fact, the first Vine ever created from space! (And, as you've noticed, converted by me to a gif so you can view it here!)

What's the story behind it? Go read the whole thing and find out!

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