Thought for the Day

Cory Doctorow over at BoingBoing:

Here's a question: Does Tony Blair get to bring his laptop on his government plane? Can Laura Bush keep her lipstick with her on Air Force One? Does Dick Cheney take off his shoes and get them x-rayed before he flies? How about Condi Rice's knee-high lace-up boots? Is her mission to Israel delayed while she tries to re-lace them while balancing her laptop bag on one shoulder and trying to get her watch back on?
It seems to me like our glorious leaders are pretty good at setting out the "minor inconveniences" that the rest of us have to put up with, but when was the last time you heard of any of them enduring the same measures?

Now, GW Bush may say, "But I'm no terrorist! Why shouldn't I be able to bring my hip-flask onto Air Force One with me?" But I'm no terrorist either. I don't see why the man should be exempt from his own rules.


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Doctorow is a pedant. If you don't like the flight restrictions, then don't fly on commercial aircraft.

> If you don't like the flight restrictions, then don't fly on commercial aircraft.

Kind of assumes a choice, now doesn't it.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 11 Aug 2006 #permalink

Waiting in line at security at Boston Logan last night, only to have the line I was in closed when I was all the way up to second, induced thoughts of a choice involving hitch-hiking 800 miles.

If you don't like the flight restrictions, then don't fly on commercial aircraft. Kind of assumes a choice, now doesn't it.

This is the only way to go. It maybe a slower, the inflight service is lousy, and seating is limited, but the view is better and best of all no security lines.

By Bruce Thompson (not verified) on 12 Aug 2006 #permalink

Doctorow is a pedant. If you don't like the flight restrictions, then don't fly on commercial aircraft.

Good point. I'll just phone up the Secret Service and tell them to have Air Force One waiting at my local airport when I need it.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 13 Aug 2006 #permalink