Blog Carnivals
Here's the latest carnivalia for you to read and enjoy;
Family Life Blog Carnival, part 2. This blog carnival has SO many submissions that they published it in two parts. WOW! Don't we all wish we were so lucky? (hint, hint, to all you kind people who are madly writing about spineless creatures so you can send me your submissions before 6 April)
Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux).
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power)
-- Sir Francis Bacon.
Since Tangled Bank has gone the way of the Dodo (Passenger Pigeon, Carolina Parakeet, Ivory-Billed Woodpecker -- insert the name of your favorite extinct species here) and will probably never be seen again, despite promises to the contrary, there is a huge hole in the science writing blogosphere. A hole that must be filled. So I am proposing to do just that: I am starting a new science blog carnival, Scientia, which will be be THE science blog writing carnival.…
Fullsteam Brewery founder and local-ag guru, Sean Wilson, to appear on WUNC-FM's The State of Things
The local food movement is not local here in the sprawling US. Hence why am posting this note here.
North Carolina beer saint and local-ag brewer, Sean Lily Wilson, will be on the radio in about an hour. We featured Sean back in January when the state's flagship newspaper named him Tar Heel of the Week for his efforts to modify our draconian beer laws to allow high-gravity beers, especially many of our European favorites, to be sold statewide.
Sean's a good man, a great dad, and epitomizes community on so many levels. If you're not local, you can listen to him together with two other…
Hear ye, hear ye. The first-ever and best-ever edition of the Diversity in Science Carnival has been posted.Read all about it at DNLee's Urban Science Adventures! There's some really fabulous stuff there and I can't wait to read those that I missed when they were first posted.
While you're being inspired by all of the great DiS posts, channel some of that inspiration towards this month's Scientiae call for posts. Liberal Arts Lady has asked us: "Who inspires you or motivates you? Who would you call your role models, at any stage of your career?" Posts should be submitted to scientiaecarnival…
Here is more blog carnival goodness to keep you entertained;
Carnival of Evolution, part two, has been published. Once again, this blog carnival is filled with lots of science-y information to educate and entertain you, so go visit! And be sure to volunteer to host this blog carnival since they are seeking more hosts!
The latest edition of the I and the Bird blog carnival, which focuses on blog essays and photography of wild birds.
Here's the latest blog carnival goodness for you to enjoy;
The Carnival of Evolution, edition #8, has finally been published, after the host suffered the loss of a family member. Be sure to go there and offer your condolences and support.
This blog carnival is a collection of reviews .. I sent them book reviews to include in this blog carnival, but there are a bunch of other sorts of reviews to read in the 34th edition of the Review Bloggers Carnival.
Annnd here's the thirteenth edition of the Drug and Pharmacology blog carnival. This is a small but interesting blog carnival for you to read…
I have been making a lot of noise about science-y blog carnivals that were experiencing extinction events, but through our efforts, my wonderful colleague and friend, Kevin Zelnio, has stepped in to manage the Circus of the Spineless! So let's help Kevin by offering to host this blog carnival and by sending in our blog entries of "the other 95%" of earth's species: those without backbones! (Keep in mind that I am talking about species without backbones, not individual politicians, so please adjust your submissions accordingly).
Okay, what's happening here, you guys? It seems that yet another blog carnival, Oekologie, has gone the way of the passenger pigeon. And I even volunteered to host this blog carnival by leaving a message on the site, but my message was discarded. I am happy to help rescue science-y blog carnivals, but I need some help, and some of that help can come in the form of (1) ASKING me and others to host the carnival when the host list has diminished to less than three future hosts, (2) not ignoring people who are actually coming out of their basement lairs to volunteer to host a particular carnival…
I am sitting here in North Carolina in a blog session about blog carnivals, and I am dismayed to ask you what has happened to these three blog carnivals: Tangled Bank, The Boneyard, and The Circus of the Spineless?
I know that there is a small core group of us at ScienceBlogs who are talking about rescuing the Circus of the Spineless, but no one has even mentioned that Tangled Bank may also have gone the way of the dodo, as has the Boneyard. Is there enough interest out there to rescue any (all?) of these three blog carnivals? I am more than willing to step forward as the coordinator/…
Here's the latest carnivalia for you to enjoy;
I and the Bird, issue 91. This blog carnival focuses on wild birds and bird watching.
Carnival of the Vanities, 8 January 2009 edition. This blog carnival focuses on the best writing in the blogosphere for the previous week (or so), regardless of topic.
Here's the latest Carnival of Education for your reading pleasure. To be honest, I am surprised, but pleased, that they included my submission!
Here's a new blog carnival for you to read, this time, a new one for me (and possibly the last time this blog carnival will be published) -- the Fabulous! blog carnival, which is "all about appearances". Despite its hedonistic theme, there is a story there that is interesting; the "Stylish First Ladies" entry that you might find interesting and perhaps educational as well.
Here's a science-y blog carnival, Linnaeus' Legacy, for you to enjoy. This blog carnival is packed with all sorts of science-y goodness for you to learn from and enjoy.
And here's another great blog carnival, the Carnival…
The latest Carnivalia has been published for you to dig your teeth into.
Bobo Carnival of Politics is weird: the host spends a fair amount of space telling me that I am wrong about Bush being history's worst president by claiming that Bush will be recognized as one of the best presidents -- OMG. Seriously. Just like the religious wingnuts among us, this guy has an obvious fantasy life that overrides all reality and reason. Anyway, be sure to go over there and chew him a new one!
Movie Monday, issue 88. This blog carnival links to everything about film!
Europe Travel blog carnival, where they…
Here's the latest carnivalia for you to enjoy;
Friday Ark, issue 224. This blog carnival links to images of animals -- just animals, no people.
Just Write blog carnival. This blog carnival links to writing and book related essays, so be sure to visit!
Mendel's Garden is the original genetics blog carnival. The next edition will be hosted by Jeremy at Another Blasted Weblog. If you would like to submit a blog post to be included in the carnival, send an email to Jeremy (jcherfas at mac dot com). The carnival should be posted within the next few days, so get your submissions in ASAP.
Also, hosts are needed for future editions of Mendel's Garden. If you would like to host, please send me an email (evolgen at yahoo dot com). A new edition is usually posted around the first Sunday of each month.
Here's the latest blog carnivals that have been published for you to enjoy.
Everything Worth Reading, 11th edition. This blog carnival is similar to Carnival of the Vanities because it focuses on the best blog entry published on a blog each month, regardless of topic.
Here's the latest blog carnivals that have been published for you to enjoy;
Friday Ark, issue #223. This blog carnival is where ANIMALS are the stars!
It might be Christmas Day, but that doesn't mean that blog writers stop writing .. no indeed, many of us still are typing away on our laptops. One such person is Andrew Dodge, who puts the Carnival of the Vanities together for all of us to enjoy.
I know that christmas nearly has us in a strangle-hold, but if you need to get away from the tension and rush for awhile, perhaps you'd like to read the Festival of the Trees?
And of course, talking about seasonally relevant, don't forget to check in to the Carnival of Christmas.
And the Carnival of Health tips is also availabke to keep us all thinking about how to stay healthy despite the many unhealthy temptations this holiday season.
Here's the latest carnivalia to enjoy;
Book Review Carnival, 7th edition. This is the fastest growing blog carnival I've ever seen. In just seven issues, this blog carnival has gone from just a handful of submissions to 80 -- yes 80! So if you are looking to give books as a holiday gift (or if you have a gift certificate and want to know how to spend it), may I suggest you browse this blog carnival for some ideas?
Carnival of Latin America and the Caribbean. This is the first time I've been in this blog carnival, so be sure to peek in there and give them some support!
Carnival of Family Life…