tags: iPhone, technology, Apple, comedy, humor, funny, streaming video
Apple's iPhone ads tell you that whatever you want to do, "there's an app for that." But what if you're trying to solve problems with the iPhone itself? Here's a ad spoof that addresses this, too.
When all else fails, go online and buy another doctorate:
Hat tip to le Canard Noir.
tags: Britney Spears Parody, comedy, humor, funny, streaming video
This video reveals my perfect man: "He's got me rocking like Stephen Hawking .. Check out his hard drive, sets me to Warp Five .. I dream of him hooking up my ethernet cable and whispering in my ear about the Periodic Table .. Don't need a jock, I want a Spock!" (And he doesn't even need to know Russian!) [2:46]
H/T: Arikia.
tags: science, god, religion, creationism, humor, funny, satire, Edward Current, streaming video
In this video, we learn that the know-it-alls who dreamed up the Big Bang and evolution don't know what they're talking about. Edward Current proves this with a few simple science experiments. (ps, sorry about the picture quality. I thought 'white balance' had something to do with banning immigrants.) [5:05]
tags: religion, Bible, Ricky Gervais, creation story, humor, funny, parody, streaming video
This streaming video shows Ricky Gervais discussing creation as he reads from the Bible -- wow! This makes so much sense, doesn't it? I am going to give up my godless hedonistic ways right now!! [9:53]
tags: religion, fundamentalist nonsense, poison, humor, satire, comedy, streaming video
In this video, we are reminded about Mark 16:17-18, which tells us that drinking poison will do no harm to those who believe in god. Edward Current celebrates this amazing gift from our loving Father by drinking a bottle of cyanide that is so potent that it can kill an adult atheist in less than ten seconds [3:50]
tags: GW, George Bush, top ten best GW moments, humor, funny, streaming video
This video shows you the one reason that I'll miss GW: because now that GW is gone, comedians will have to work for a living -- just like the rest of us! [2:12]
tags: farewell GW, John Sherffius, politics, humor, comedy
Image: John Sherffius, 28 December 2008 [larger view].
Read the fine print, if you can (and you really aren't expected to be able to read it), then tell me what you think of the current resident of the White House.
tags: Hobo Matters, satire, parody, streaming video
This streaming video is a tongue-in-cheek look at the Hobo world after the stock market crashed [7:45]
John Hodgman's PBS documentary, Hobo Matters. If not the most celebrated episode of The American Experience, certainly the most astounding, not only for the number of facts packed into this short episode, but also for the fact that PBS actually produced and dared to air it.
Unfortunately, this chronicle of the Great Depression and the Hobo Wars was quickly erased from history by the powerful Hobo Queen for it revealed too many secrets…
tags: Thanksgiving holiday, Snoopy, Chales M Schulz, humor, comedy, streaming video
If you are like me, you do not have a television, so you are missing all the special holiday programming. This sweet video is a late one created by the late, great Charles M. Schulz about celebrating Thanksgiving on a ping-pong table. Of course, it includes really fine jazz as background music -- does anyone know who wrote and performed the background music and how I can get it? [20:18].
If that video was deleted by YouTube, this one probably survived, because it is a condensed version [4:55];
A streaming review of Bill Maher's new film, Religulous, that is being released TODAY. I totally must see this film, and I must get the DVD, too! [4:23]
Bill Maher discusses his film, Religulous, with Larry King. Part of this movie was filmed on location in Heaven. This film is scheduled for release on 3 October 2008 [7:58]
I want to go see Religulous SO BADLY, and today, I heard an interview on "Fresh Air" on WNYC with Bill Maher [MediaPlayer: 2:51] where he discussed the making of this film. This film is scheduled for release on 3 October 2008 [2:12]
tags: comedy, humor, Robin Williams, streaming video
Yesterday was Robin Williams' 57th birthday, so I have dug up a video of him performing at the Met, back when he was still funny. There is some not safe for work language in this performance, so be sure to not share this video with your boss. Williams talks about alcohol and marijuana a lot in this video. [7:59]
tags: Tire Pump Concert, humor, musicians, streaming video
This amusing streaming video is an indication of what happens when a couple musicians get together in front of an audience after having forgotten their instruments at home. Hey, it's Friday already so it's okay to laugh! [1:31]
tags: Dental Appointment, Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, humor, comedy, streaming video
This brilliantly funny streaming video stars the late Harvey Korman as Tim Conway's dental patient-- these guys were brilliant together. If only everyone could give people half as much joy as each of these men did. RIP Mr. Korman [2:59].
tags: Young Hillary Clinton, politics, humor, comedy, streaming video
This brilliantly funny streaming video is the result of a deviant comedic mind -- it's a portrait of the young Hillary Rodham (like, duh, she wasn't married yet, as one of the students will remind you). My favorite quote? "What's a superdelegate?" [3:05].
tags: doctor seuss bible, comedy, humor, creationists, streaming video
This streaming video is an amusing but nonsensical reading of Doctor Seuss's Bible -- hey, it's kinda like the real Bible, isn't it? [2:29].
tags: GOP, republicans, politics, antidepressants, humor, Comedy Central, streaming video
This streaming video by Comedy Central shows you the real reason there are so many antidepressants advertized on TV these days: Republicans: Doughy. White. Happy. [2:38].
A friend sent me this story about medical breakthroughs enjoyed in other countries. I thought you would also enjoy reading about this since, of course, American comes out on top!
According to an Israeli doctor; "Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him looking for work in six weeks."
Then a German doctor remarked; "That is nothing, we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in four weeks."
A Russian doctor replied; "In my country, medicine is so advanced that we can take half a…