
Talia is wondering what would happen to an astronaut who goes outside the spaceship in a spacesuit and lets one rip?! Any physicists out there who can give her more information beyond the farting-is-funny cartoons? And as far as Talia goes, as she will stay inside the ship, all she risks is blushing under the accusatory looks of her cabin mates wrinkling their noses....
At Grand Central Station: (From, Via)
Coming up tonight at midnight, according to the Julian calendar.
How to get from a White Rhino to a Chinese water buffalo in just a few easy steps.
RPM and John posted this music video with hilarious pseudo-subtitles. I don't know how I missed it before as this is supposed to be one of the most popular clips on YouTube ever, but now this song is firmly embedded in my brain and I spent my day singing about yellow goats, DNA, papayas and being high today, all the while dancing very energetically:
Yikes! Said my daughter this morning. I thought the gentle art of saying Yikes had died out. How pleasant to be mistaken. Now all I need is for someone to say Zounds! in my presence. Meanwhile... you've seen the BAS christmas e-card, lightly modified; the CSR one is here. Coming at some point when I have a spare moment... a round-up of my betting position in case I've forgotten anyone. And a pointer to a blog ranking thingy of unknown quality in which I'm #32. 32? Zounds!
I've never before seen a picture that better fits the description used in the title of this post: You may have to read the story here to see how well the title fits. Hat-tip: Mark
Along with Shelley, I am a graduate student in the Neuroscience Program at UM. The last three years my labmates and I have made a trilogy of satirical neuroscience posters poking mild fun at the mystical art of brain science. Shelley has kindly invited me to write on said trilogy. Also in any spare time remaining I punish myself with some rather difficult neural engineering experiments. (Tim Marzullo) Episode 1: Spurious Correlations You know the experience. To quote Allen Ginsburg, "everybody's serious but me." You walk around the massive meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, with 30,000… - Watch more free videos Hat-tip: Maru
Sites with videos that are more serious than YouTube are proliferating - I get an e-mail about a new one about every week. This week's addition is SuTree. By clicking on pets and animals category and then on reptiles and then on care, I found, for instance, this video on the care of Leopard Geckos. It includes some text, as well as user comments (but no responses from the experts or authors of the video). The advice is good, standard pet-shop fare. As my lab-buddy Chris actually did a lot of research with Leopard Geckos, we know a bunch more about the husbandry and other neat tricks with…
Cute power density factoid, which I owe to Eric Chaisson: humans have far higher power densities than stars. The solar luminosity is about 4.10^27 W, the mass is about 2.10^30 kg; so the power density is 2.10^-3 W/kg. Human use ~2800 kcal/day ~ 120 W. Mass is ~80 kg, so 1.5 W/kg. Isn't that fun?
Found amongst some old papers.
Physics Phun from CIP
He might present this at the next meeting: And have you heard about B.E. Smalls? I hear he's made a breakthrough: And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the eminent Dr. Dre's work (coauthor, Eminem): If you aren't familiar with the Unified Theory of Everything (no, not *that* one), you might do well to learn now. Check out more abuses of Excel, here. Hap tip to the evil kitten.
Just right. Easier than Chris R, apparently. But just you wait for the next time I use the BPR3 icon and NOT put anything under the fold! BTW, copy the image - do not use the embed code provided by the site....
I know, I know, technically he was an ape. But the word "monkey" is so much more funny! Thanks to my high-school friend who found me on Facebook and posted this on my Fun Wall.
Make your own...
Do you agree that Naked Mole Rats are beautiful? Does it irk you to no end when you hear someone state that they are ugly? Does it make you mad when the MSM, oblivious, ignorant and insensitive, repeats that standard denialists' trope? Are you sick-and-tired of the "he-said-she-said" journalism that just HAS to, every time, quote some anti-naked-mole-rat bigot whenever these lovely animals are mentioned? Are you aware that a Heterocephalus glaber is not allowed to run for office in 27 states of the USA? These days, you cannot even slander atheists in a political speech any more without…