
Those cats are just everywhere — now lolcats can has science. Even worse, it's dominated by geology LOLcats. Geologists are too abrasive and intrusive to have a sense of humor, and it takes ages for them to tell a joke. I do have something to say to physics cat, though. Here, kitty kitty. I have a box, a geiger counter, and some cyanide for you.
Hank Fox sent me the link to this lovely little ditty. I don't know why he didn't forward it to Bill O'Reilly or Bill Donohue. I hope you have headphones if you try to listen to this in a public place. And do try to avoid singing along. On that appeal to you sentimental bastards, let me mention another thing: a webblogger in this holiday season in difficult straits. It's going to get uglier still in the future, I suspect, since this collapsing housing bubble is going to hurt a lot of people in real estate, finance, property management, etc. Kevin Hayden of the American Street is in that…
I know it's strange! I never thought I would actually go to web sites (intentionally!) to watch computer ads. But the Mac guy is so cute! And the ads with Mac and PC are sooo funny! I think these little film clips rank right up there with Steven Colbert and The Office. What think you?
Poor Rob Crowther seems to be having a bad week. First, his big Iowa press conference turned out to be a total non-event. Then, it turned out that some of the people who did mention the press conference didn't quite manage to spin it the way he was hoping for. The Ames Tribune, in particular, seems to have sparked his ire. His response to them is well worth the read - the first sentence, in particular, is quite simply one of the most (unintentionally, of course) funny things I've seen in a long time: The Ames Tribune editorial today tries to make out that Discovery Institute is more…
(Video moved below the fold because it was breaking some browsers)
This little story just goes to show that you should never underestimate a blonde. A contestant on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" had reached the final plateau. If she answered the next question correctly, she would win $1,000,000. If she answered incorrectly, she would pocket only the $25,000 milestone money. And as she suspected it would be, the million-dollar question was no pushover. The question was; "Which of the following species of birds does not build its own nest, but instead lays its eggs in the nests of other birds? Is it: A) the condor B) the buzzard C) the cuckoo D) the…
or E. coli, or perhaps a little Giardia (just to loosen things up, of course), or maybe even Herpes. All these scary pathogens become works of art, when Infectious Awareables puts the images on neckties. And what could be funnier than a pair of boxer shorts full of Gonorrhea?
...because, via Skeptico and DC's Improbably Science, I've learned something that could only warm the coldest cockles of my evil scientific and skeptical heart. It's something that tells us that, maybe, just maybe, what we bloggers do in favor of evidence-based medicine may actually be having an effect. British homeopath Manish Bhatia, Director of, has sent out a frantic e-mail bemoaning how those poor, poor homeopaths are having trouble making a living, going so far as to say that homeopathy is "bleeding to death" (great analogy, given that homeopathy is a lot like the medieval…
Here are some comics and images I've been saving up for so long that I mostly forget where I found them. Click the fold below to view. Enjoy! [Okay, that last one is not funny...]
Judging from their groans and moans, I think sometimes that it's hard for kids to grow up with two scientists as parents. Still, over the years our kids have come to accept (and ignore) that we seem to babble in some kind of strange code peppered with discussions of DNA, software, and lately something called "Next Gen." We'll cook dinner and start reminiscing about PV=nRT. Our youngest daughter will try to mix water and oil for brownies and one of us will contribute cheerfully: "Like dissolves like." Now that our oldest daughter is taking freshman chemistry, she gets to hear some new…
As part of our ongoing commitment to the environment we here at The Cheerful Oncologist have decided to implement the research of Dr. Gregor Blaberidae Samsa, the first scientist to discover the association between mental activity and the release of carbon dioxide gas during normal respiration. Dr. Samsa's seminal study, published in the Deutsche Fachzeitschrift den Lachsalven in 1923, measured the carbon dioxide emissions from thirty students who volunteered to spend eight hours in a room especially designed by the noted scientist. For the control arm the students either slept on cots,…
This is so geek, it’s not even funny:
Although if you're at work, it probably isn't a good idea to crank up the volume. Unless you work in a lab, in which case your colleagues might join in on the chorus.
Balducci's grocery needs to upgrade their Jewish outreach program: (from Eater by way of Bean) Oy.
If you've ever seen John Edward or James van Praagh, or any of a thousand other idiot spirit mediums, you'll know how conversations sound in the afterlife. Death is apparently a leading cause of brain damage.
Why do I have this urge to send this to Stuart Pivar?
tags: humor, LOLCatz ad, I Can Has Flavor, streaming video An ad for teh new fragrance from I Can Has Cheezburger? Flavor. [0:43]
We live in a world of lunatics. You want a baby? Then go sit in a chair owned by Saint Mary Frances of the Five Wounds. She was an 18th century weirdo who threw her life away in pointless self-flagellation, so it's only natural that 21st century deluded irrationalists would think her furniture carries magic powers that would potentiate fertility rites. Hair shirts and a whip hanging from the walls remind pilgrims of the grim "voluntary penance" the saint adopted after joining the strict order of Saint Peter of Alcantara. As the religious name she took suggests, she was believed to carry the "…
They're calling it "External Delivery", but come on, they're aren't fooling anyone. This is just storkism under another name.
I received the most bizarre spam email. It claims to be from the company that makes Guinness: Guinness Online Lottery. Diageo Ireland P.O. Box 1759, Killorglin, Co. Kerry Ireland THE GUINNESS COMPANY OFFICIAL PRIZE NOTIFICATION We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded draws held by Guinness Company. Your E-mail was among the 5 Lucky winners who won £2,500,000.00 GBP (Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand, British Pound Sterling's) each in the Guinness Company online Lottery. This draw is being organized to enhance awareness and publicity of the…