
Egads! You remember my fun little post about a Sokal-type hoax perpetrated by John C. McLachlan, when he completely fooled the "scientific review" committee of a complementary and alternative medicine conference with a hilarious Sokal-inspired hoax in which he created, in essence, butt reflexology. I thought it was an amusing and fairly original bit of made-up woo. It turns out I was wrong. A reader just pointed me to Jacqueline Stalline's Rumpology. It turns out that she's an astrologer, and that she thinks she can tell a lot about you by reading your rump: Jacqueline Stallone has revived…
-via toothpaste for dinner-
Just be warned - there's a teensy (tinsy, teensie?) weensy bit of crude language. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
I can't think of a better way to start year seven on the ol' blog. Remember how I speculated that perhaps Age of Autism or would provide me with the first topic of my next year of blogging? It turns out that I was wrong. It didn't come from either of those sources, although I will reassure the antivaccine loons at AoA and Mike Adams at not to fear. I'll get to them soon enough. The Huffington Post, too, given that apparently Mark Hyman's back with his woo. In any case, AoA and Mike Adams may at times be utterly hilarious, but they can't compare to what readers…
I can't understand a word that's written in this article, but I like the cartoon. Somebody should make a similar one for moderate Christians…they can tut-tut over murdered abortion doctors, they can make excuses for pedophile priests, they can go in a voting booth and pull the lever against gay rights, but an atheist puts up a billboard that says you can be good without gods, and zowee! Screaming fits on Fox News!
I now believe. -Via Surviving the World- (I really wish I could have just presented the first image and sent you there for the rest - but I'm too lazy to do image editing...)
I kind of wandered off on y'all - we just spent four days visiting and celebrating Thanksanukah ;-) with biological and chosen family. We didn't go to my parents' place for Thanksgiving this year, so we headed out and ate turkey and latkes together, spent four glorious days goofing off, and are home refreshed. Of course, in the meantime I realized I was *supposed* to have written my Anyway Project Update before I left (it was kind of like packing my toothbrush - somehow some things just get left behind - and there's not "Anyway Project Update Store" in Beverly MA, the way there are…
The latest xkcd is an odd one. I know some people freak out a teeny tiny bit at the thought, but it never bothers me. I'm a first child, and I calculated back when I was conceived, and estimate that it was almost exactly the day of my parents' wedding — which was an elopement. The two of them ran off at a young age to Idaho where they didn't need to get parental permission to marry, and right away they had me. I find that wonderfully romantic and have always had the knowledge that my parents loved each other very much (and were also a bit crazy and impetuous and careless…well, and also loved…
How about that? Someone compiled a list of 30 Reasons TO use Comic Sans, and quoting creationists isn't one of them. I guess that means there are actually at least 31.
Enjoy this article. It's some thrilling reading! Brilliant! -via... well I'm not really sure what this is-
While Jerry Coyne is laid up, I guess I'll step up and dole out a picture of something furry for a change. That I'm stepping on his turf may reinvigorate him, too!
And an excellent title: Why do people treat us with the same contempt we show homosexuals, ask Christians. It's also a nice illustration of the stereotypical persecution complex, because we actually treat Christians much more nicely than the fundamentalist homophobes treat homosexuals.
This morning four guys in camo and rifles were walking up my road at 6am, which means one of two things. Either it is Deer Season, or Canada has invaded. And that's the real reason I'm not leaving the US - I've pinned my hopes on the conquest of upstate New York by Canada, who will ruthlessly impose national health care and better beer upon us. Of course, back in the 1990s, Saturday Night Live already speculated on what a nation called "Amerida" might look like. (H/T to Edson for the video!) I'm there already in my mind! Sharon
This kind of says it all. That's the story we can expect to see played out every day for the next few years.
If there were a hell (and there isn't), I suppose this is as good a breakdown of deserved punishments as any.
I don't usually post anything about "that kind" of psychology but I loved these: (via Dangerous Minds & their creator - Matthew Wilkinson)
Are you a science journalist? Do you work with science journalists? Print this cartoon out and hang it all over your workplace. Oh, and if you're a science editor, please get it tattooed on the back of your hand.
Just so you understand, you're going to Hell anyway. (via MacLeod Cartoons)
The always-brillliant and funny Christine Patton aka The Peak Oil Hausfrau, in the latest Peak Oil Review Commentary, has turned her sights to the IEA's recent predictions, managing to properly skewer both the IEA's predictions and the predictive value of economic modelling (two great tastes that taste great together!): The International Economics Agency today released its World Income Outlook, which predicts a 564 percent increase in the median world income over the next three months. IEA Chief Economics Officer Brandon Blighted explains, "Our meticulous research clearly shows that an…