
If you need help figuring out how to irritate me, here's a long, long list.
Image: source. . tags: politics, cartoon, Bush
Those godless heathenish Scandinavians…I think you can figure this one out even if you don't know Norwegian. (click for larger image) Thanks, Kjetil Åkra! If you really must have something in English, Kristine uncovers a Chick parody: Mommy burns in Hell. That'll cheer you right up.
Would you want to choose your next national leader using a reality TV show instead of an election by the people? Well that's what Canada is doing. Even though I am no fan of reality TV, I am captivated by this interesting idea. They certainly couldn't do a worse job than what has already transpired in several nations already -- not namin' any names, though! Some countries have elections. Some countries have sectarian violence. Others have civil war. But in Canada, they do things differently. Next March four former Canadian prime ministers will take part in a reality TV show titled The Next…
Go ahead, fill it out. These forms are so easy to lose. Don't forget to send in the warranty information, too!
The Onion reports on the latest anti-evolution tactic. In response to a Nov. 7 referendum, Kansas lawmakers passed emergency legislation outlawing evolution, the highly controversial process responsible for the development and diversity of species and the continued survival of all life. "From now on, the streets, forests, plains, and rivers of Kansas will be safe from the godless practice of evolution, and species will be able to procreate without deviating from God's intended design," said Bob Bethell, a member of the state House of Representatives. "This is about protecting the integrity of…
Image: . tags: Bush, humor, sarcasm, politics
My eyes have been opened. All this time, I've simply been taking for granted a common biological theory, and now that I've been alerted to the controversy, I've had to rethink the evidence. I've merely assumed that sexual reproductionism is valid. This fellow has completely ripped the idea apart. Despite the assertion that the Theory of Sexual Reproduction is "settled" and "well-accepted," it still remains just one theory. And beneath the veneer of acceptance, controversies abound. Take for instance, the key idea of the conjecture, namely that a "sperm" fuses with an "egg." No one has…
Orphaned image. Please contact me for proper attribution. . tags: escher, politics, humor, sarcasm, satire, administration
I can't believe I forgot to post this on Thanksgiving Day itself, but I'll make up for it now. What better way to finish off the Thanksgiving Day weekend than with one of the funniest Thanksgiving Day promotions of all time, courtesy of one of what TV Guide has ranked as one of the greatest episodes in television history, an episode from WKRP in Cincinnati?
As seen on Facebook (I could not find the originals anywhere online - if you do, please let me know so I can attribute it correctly):
Good spelling skills are more important than you realize. Orphaned image. Please contact me for proper attribution. . tags: politics, Bush, Iraq war, humor
For instance, you can say, "And I say evolution is only a theory," and the only consequences you might face are the risks of being elected to high political position as a Republican.
...because some serious weirdness has invaded Respectful Insolence. If you want to know where, just look at these comments that popped up overnight about an old post of mine about the moon landing in 1969.
As for me, I am thankful for every one of you, amigos bonitos. Your many comments, emails, cards and gifts, filled with love and encouragement and stories of your own sadness, travails and triumphs have given me courage and so much faith in your humanity and kindness. I cannot tell you how many times I've re-read your cards, emails and comments, and been comforted by them, nor can I tell you how many times I've slept with gifts -- mostly books -- that you've sent to me, holding them close to my heart throughout the night, and the comfort these items bring me when I wake up in the darkness…
If you're still awake tomorrow after the feast and managing to withstand the sopoforic effects of the tryptophan from the turkey and the carbohydrates from the potatoes and pie, you might want to consider doing a little science at home. Fellow SciBlings Tara Smith (here & here), Mike Dunford (here & here), GrrlScientist, and I (here) have all experimented with the wonders of Mentos and carbonated soft drinks. Orac even found a Mentos and Diet Coke plug for organ donation. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself. Now, it's your turn. According to the WSTA…
This is hilarious: a couple of atheists get some bicycles, white shirts and ties, and travel around Salt Lake City knocking on doors and bringing the good word of godlessness to the Mormons. One old guy is an LDS bishop, and thinks that's a good enough reason for them to stop bothering him (although, of course, if someone is Catholic or atheist or Baptist, that's not enough reason to stop proselytizing to them…besides, LDS bishops are thick on the ground out there); another feebly swings a broom at them; there is some door slamming going on. Although it's funny, I think the Mormons would be…