
Some Saturday morning humor that literally had me laughing out loud, as only The Onion can do (foul language, but I think even PharmMom will appreciate this): Frito-Lay Angrily Introduces Line Of Healthy Snacks "Weren't Sun Chips healthy enough for you, you goddamn hippie bastards?" Carey added.
As a native Detroiter, I couldn't help but find this little story amusing (sorry, it's just the adolescent in me): Hooters of America Inc. is moving ahead full throttle with a campaign to pressure the Troy City Council into granting a liquor license transfer for the chain's new Troy location on Rochester Road near Big Beaver. Officials with the company made the announcement at that location this afternoon, as Hooters girls -- dressed in orange jumpsuits and orange scarfs -- picketed outside, carrying signs with messages, such as "Don't Endanger The Owl" and "City Council Buy U A Beer?" The…
UTI is becoming just a center for hilarity lately.
Several people have brought this cartoon to my attention. I don't get it. So Bush and Rummy are being rewarded for their incompetence by getting to hang out with the octopuses? Or does the cartoonist just hate cephalopods, and is illustrating their torment? (They do look kind of pissed).
Prologue: Deep within a middle-aged woman, somewhere betwixt her brain and heart a microscopic sentry scans a vast network of blood vessels, monitoring the flow of red corpuscles like a forest ranger looking for smoke. He has a worried look on his face. The number of cells passing by his station has steadily declined for some time now; the glow around him turns from its usual scarlet to a pallid pink. He grimly flips open a nearby cabinet door and with one last glance over his shoulder presses a button. Suddenly the entire universe flips on its side, flinging him across the room. The…
Politicians Sweep Midterm Elections Rumsfeld: 'My Half-Assed Job Here Is Done' Republicans Blame Election Losses On Democrats Write-In Candidate Thought He Had Enough Friends To Win Voter Turnout Reaches All-Time Low Of 17
Watch the initial "cautious optimism" about the "'Rats" (that's the Democrats) descend into outrage at the Commies and perverts at this election discussion from Tuesday night at FreeConservatives. Not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach.
Now that it looks like the Senate is controlled by the Democrats, it is time to finally unveil our evil plan: 1. Mandatory homosexuality 2. Drug-filled condoms in schools 3. Introduce the new Destruction of Marriage Act 4. Border fence replaced with free shuttle buses 5. Osama Bin Laden to be Secretary of State 6. Withdraw from Iraq, apologize, reinstate Hussein 7. English language banned from all Federal buildings 8. Math classes replaced by encounter groups 9. All taxes to be tripled 10. All fortunes over $250,000 to be confiscated 11. On-demand welfare 12. Tofurkey to be named official…
(Title shamelessly stolen from Kristine because it is priceless)
Confirmed: God is dead. Dawkins' and Harris' book sales are going to plummet.
I voted a couple hours ago, and polls have just closed in my part of the country. All over the eastern part of the U.S., the counting of the votes is shifting into high gear. This election year saw some truly disgusting negative ads all over the country. Too bad none of them were like this one:
Put a little Streisand on the CD player, and then visit Sadly, No! for some pictorial motivation to get out and vote for the right people tomorrow. It's inspiring!
I wrote earlier about videos of lab protocols and the benefit these could bring to people who are trying to learn new techniques or perhaps troubleshoot their own. Unfortunately, I suspect that the people who would benefit the most from movies of others doing lab procedures correctly are those who are already pretty observant. Nevertheless, I have some ideas for improvements to these kinds of movies, ala acting and editing, that could benefit the truly-technically-impaired. We need lab movies of people doing things wrong. Last night we watched the episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus,…
I'm still getting flamage from Dr Mike S. Adams' fans. This one just happened to tickle me, for some reason. I wonder if I can get that title engraved on my office door? YOUR WEB TREATMENT OF DR. ADAMS WAS DISCUSTING... OBVIOUSLY, YOUR REAL TITLE SHOULD BE "ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LEFTIST INDOCTRINATION"! TYPICAL OF "HIGHER????" EDUCATION. I think the funniest part of this all-caps, misspelled, strangely punctuated rant and sneer at "HIGHER????" EDUCATION is that the guy's signature proudly says, "Employee of University of Wisconsin".
The title of this one made me laugh out loud: Fossilized Feces of Jesus Wreaks Havoc, and the article itself doesn't disappoint: The recent discovery of a fossilized lump of human feces believed to have once emerged from the body of Jesus Christ, Son of God, has swept a whirlpool of excitement and controversy throughout the altars of the religious world. The sacred stool was unearthed last month by a construction worker during a hotel excavation project in the vicinity of Nahariya, northern Israel, and shortly thereafter flown to the Holy See where a multi-denominational consortium of…
This is an excellent suggestion that ran in the Sydney Morning Herald. I agree…let's not, OK?
There will be a wrap-up of the atheist symbol discussion tomorrow—I'll put up a post with the most popular options and invite people to defend them—but until then, savor this amusing artwork. (No, it's not a serious contender, it's just funny!)
I've written before about some of the explainable reasons why lab procedures don't work. I forgot to add that sometimes experiments don't work because of outside forces that have nothing to do with your technique, inability to do algebra, or poor experimental design. Sometimes, the whole thing is just doomed from the start. A friend of mine once spent a summer as an intern at a local, now-defunct, biotech company. During this time, he worked for a very demanding technician for whom he developed a strong dislike. Every day, he patiently stood by as she unpacked sample jars filled with…
Zeno sent me this: It certainly encapsulates what I hear when Republicans open their mouths. Who in their right mind wouldn't oppose baby-eating monkeys from outer space? Probably those same bastards who hate our troops and want the terrorists to win.