
Remembering two rather frivolous posts that I made last weekend, you might have an idea of what this costume might be. Yes, you too can Be The Hoff. Of course, if The Hoff is not your style, you can also Be The Magnum. (Via Attu World.)
Leave it to Jason Foxtrot...
Here's a real deal for you all: if you watch this video, you'll have taken care of all your religious obligations for the day and are exempted from having to go to church this morning!
I stumbled across this great creationist parody site: The reDiscovery Institute. You'll definitely have a few laughs with this.
With the Tigers losing the World Series last night, I think I need something light and funny to pick me up. Here's just the thing: Believe it or not, you don't have to be Jewish to learn Yiddish with George and Laura. (The part mentioning evolution at the end is particularly timely, given a couple of my posts this week.)
Is your precious pup spending an unusual amount of time time hanging around by the pond? Is poochy looking a little green around the gills? Does fido seem a little feeble? My friend you've got trouble. Trouble with a capital "T". What's the canine equivalent to catnip? Picture by asmuskoka Toads! Yes, your dog might be out sucking toads. Last year's IgNoble award for biology went to researchers who personally sniffed the peculiar odors of 131 species of frogs to see if the frogs were feeling stressed. (Now that I think about it, I kind of wonder about those researchers). This week…
Got three minutes? Then watch this vision of what would happen if Stephen Hawking was a super hero, championing science against the evil forces of "The Fundamentalist" and his Dogma-ray.
Perhaps it doesn't fit your stereotypes of what Minnesotans are like, but there are also freaky wild parties with cocaine and huge…huge…well, you know. Watch the video to find out. I think it's shot in Lake Wobegone, actually.
I'm fairly busy right now what with job applications, selling a house and attempting murder on my teenage son, but while all that's going on here at The Laboratory of Doom behind the scenes, here's a poem below the fold, by Philip Larkin: Philip Larkin - Church Going Once I am sure there's nothing going on I step inside, letting the door thud shut. Another church: matting, seats, and stone, And little books; sprawlings of flowers, cut For Sunday, brownish now; some brass and stuff Up at the holy end; the small neat organ; And a tense, musty, unignorable silence, Brewed God knows how long.…
Hmmm, didn't it occur to him for a moment that "survival of the fittest" may be true back when Bruce Lee beat him up?
This is hillarious (Via). I wish I was as creative. I just make the telemarketers pronounce my full name correctly. Just calling me "Sir" does not cut it as I was never knighted by the Queen of England.
One of the perks of this blogging gig is that Roy Zimmerman sends me his CDs—you want it just for the songs Creation Science 101 and Intelligent Design, although the rest is toe-tapping good, too.
Yesterday I was in a strange mood; so I posted a couple of David Hasselhoff videos, asking the question: Why is this guy such a big pop star in Germany? Fellow ScienceBlogger Mike the Mad Biologist then informed me that the videos that I posted (the Hoff doing Rhinestone Cowboy and Secret Agent Man) aren't necessarily the "best" the Hoff has to offer. And I have to admit that he's right. See if you agree: What's with the Hoff and flying in videos? He was flying in the Secret Agent Man video, and he's flying here. But, with all due respect to Mike, I'm not sure if even the above video is…
Political ads are hardly great film making. But this ad about the Idaho congressional race will make anyone laugh, regardless of his or her political leanings. Nobody likes Republican Bill Sali...