
Ok ok... so nothing to do with brains, much less science, but here's a great video. I don't know what this says about my sense of humor but I love these guys. p.s. I found the video here
This will be my last plea for your vote, to the relief of many. My next comment on this subject will be a miserable concession speech glorious in-your-face crow of triumph, after all the votes have been counted and validated. We're behind right now, but I'm sure there will be a last-minute rush to the polls to save me. I think it's time to up the ante a bit. Since Phil's doom is imminent, perhaps we need a little wager, just to make everything more interesting. My first thought was to have Phil's penalty on his loss was to come live in one of my tanks, as illustrated here (little known fact…
From the href="">Houston Chronicle: State Rep. Edmund Kuempel has authored a bill that would allow legally blind people to go hunting.  They'd be allowed to use laser sights, which are prohibited for fully-sighted hunters.  They also would have to have somone who is not bling go with them.   At first I thought this was pretty nutty.  But then I remembered Dick Cheney.
Pharyngula has fallen behind by almost 200 votes. Wouldn't you know that the phylum of the rats would be up to dirty tricks, though? One of their own has confessed to cheating, and tried to spread the information. Phil, to his credit, has suppressed the recipe, but it tells you all you need to know about his unscrupulous minions. Vote for Pharyngula (and remember, you can vote every day!). Unless you really want to read my bitter, whiny, accusatory, and self-pitying concession speech. You don't want to see me looking like that, do you? I don't even know if I can fit into my plaid pinafore…
The mind is the most amazing, lying, cheating, charlatan televangelist ever imagined. It is so good at its job though that one 'part' of the mind can construct a completely false reality and then convince other parts that what it has just constructed is the absolute truth. Not only do other parts of the mind believe this information, they make up extra-information just to justify the original reality constructed. The most important questions though are: Why in the world does the mind have to be such a great con artist? And how does it accomplish this? In a more formal sense, When a world…
I got this from John Wilkins, and it is perfect.
Everyone else is jumping off the bridge; so I thought I would too. Take that, PZ, Joshua, and Afarensis! I'm a monarch, albeit a mad one: Which Historical Lunatic Are You?From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey. You are Charles VI of France, also known as Charles the Mad or Charles the Well-Beloved! A fine, amiable and dreamy young man, skilled in horsemanship and archery, you were also from a long line of dribbling madmen. King at 12 and quickly married to your sweetheart, Bavarian Princess Isabeau, you enjoyed many happy months together before either of you could speak anything of the…
Which Historical Lunatic Are You?From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey. C'mon. You knew I'd fall prey to temptation, didn't you?
9 Chickweed Lane has been making a few pointed comments about academe and teaching that I just have to share. First, a summary of how things are going for me right now: Second, the joys of teaching and marking...
The bad news: the shameless astronomer is gaining on us, and has closed within a hundred votes. The good news: Deep Sea News has joined the scienceblogs stable! This is either a portent of the squid-fans victory, or a consolation prize that will make up for any loss. Vote for Pharyngula (and remember, you can vote every day!). Unless you are incapable of being dazzled by carnivorous sponges.
O how desperate he has become. Phil is stripping to get votes now. I'm not going to go down that road (I'd be doomed for sure if I did), so here's the deal. Vote for me and I'm going to expose my brain rather than my bod: I've got this great post on evolution of the vascular system I'll put up later today if you good, smart people can keep the drooling libidinous minions of the Bad One at bay a little longer, and keep me in the lead. Otherwise, it's internet memes/quizzes and photos of my cat's litter box. Vote for Pharyngula (and remember, you can vote every day!). Unless you hate science…
This picture just cracks me up.   href="" onclick="'','popup','width=500,height=375,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,left=0,top=0'); return false"> I spent a fair amount of time growing up in href="">Ypsilanti, and still have a fondness for the place.  Anything that promotes a positive image is welcome.   Somewhere, I saw a list that had…
Where the hell DID we all come from? The true source of the big bang, according to the scriptures.
Now they've bastardized my favorite christmas movie! But I'd pay the price of admission to see GW in the bunny pajamas!
People, you aren't doing your part. Yesterday, I had an almost 600 vote lead over the star-gazing bone-bag; this morning, it has narrowed rapidly to little more than 200. At this rate, he's going to catch up and pass me today, and then the suppression of the majority invertebrates will continue to be perpetuated by this wicked chordatecentric minority. Vote, vote, vote! How is he accomplishing these gains? There's the kitten factor, of course: by laying on the cute, he mobilizes the shallow masses who like superficial, pretty fluff (not my constituency, obviously). In his latest missive, he…
Lonely at dinner? Give this new product from a Dutch art company a try, it includes a DVD which "will allow a lonesome dinner to become one full of holiday fun and good cheer with dinner companions eating, drinking, and engaging in conversation. The DVD will feature actors reading out different scripts in other for people to pick out which type of people they would want best." -via engadget and some other news site Of course there isn't a video to help you to not feel like an idiot after having a made up conversation with a TV screen.
Yeah, I'm thinking of the kittens. I'm thinking real hard. I was going to say, "Because if you don't vote for me, I'm feeding the kittens to the Kraken," but then I realized that the kind of people who'd vote for me would probably want me to feed the kittens to the Kraken. And then I realized it didn't matter how anyone voted, because I was going to feed the kittens to the Kraken anyway. So what the heck. Kittens. Kraken. Kraken Chow. That's the way it is. As the kittens must accept their fate, so must Phil. Vote for Pharyngula (and remember, you can vote every day!). Because the kittens…
Hmm... I know plenty of funny women.... so don't whine to me ;) "What makes the female so much deadlier than the male? With assists from Fran Lebowitz, Nora Ephron, and a recent Stanford-medical-school study, the author investigates the reasons for the humor gap." The article also goes on to say how men are more stupid than women... And this... If I am correct about this, which I am, then the explanation for the superior funniness of men is much the same as for the inferior funniness of women. Men have to pretend, to themselves as well as to women, that they are not the servants and…
We're in good shape. Pharyngula is slowly pulling ahead of Bad Astronomy, and I think Phil has just conceded by urging his readers to vote for me. He is admitting that a vote for him is a vote against the eventual squid domination of the Earth, so naturally no one in their right mind is going to vote for him anymore. He also includes a picture of the cutest little kitten as a token of his surrender. Vote for Pharyngula (and remember, you can vote every day!). Unless you think kittens don't deserve tentacles. P.S. I have to give my vote to Majikthise for Best Individual Blog.
After I did an installment of Your Friday Dose of Woo a couple of days ago about some truly strange 9/11 conspiracy theorists, the tinfoil hat brigade has descended en masse into the comments section of that post. Consequently, it is quite serendipitous that I've found, via Secular Blasephemy, a new theory for the 9/11 Truthers to mull over, a post that suggests what was the real cause of the towers collapsing. It turns out that the truthers have not detected anywhere near the full depth of the government's deception. (Surprise, surprise.) No, it wasn't passenger airliners hijacked by Islamic…