
Over the holidays, I stayed at home for a combination of some relaxation and some grant writing. (I know, weird.) As I was perusing some of the links I saved during that time, it occurs to me that I totally forgot about one particularly amazing bit of hilarity, courtesy of our old "friend" Deepak Chopra. Given that it was over a week ago, it's probably not worth going into the full Orac mode on it any more, old news and all, but I couldn't let it go completely unremarked upon because it's just so amazingly, hysterically funny. Appearing two days after Christmas, Chopra's post was entitled Woo…
Heh. Leave it to xkcd to sum it up perfectly: (Click for full comic) You know, I happen to love CSI:Miami as much as the next guy. In fact, it's one of my guilty TV pleasures. But any time there's a lab scene on that show (or any of the other CSI shows) it cracks me up. Beautiful people in pristine white lab coats delivering DNA sequences in an hour! Loud rock music blaring over cuts so fast that they induce seizures and would be considered too hyperactive even for a music video or a Michael Bay movie. Multi-colored Eppendorf tubes back lit so that they glow. These sorts of scenes have…
It's true! The Trophy Wife™ and I never got our temple recommends, weren't sealed, and didn't go through the temple ceremony (which sounds like so much fun), so when the Mormons get their way, our marriage will be invalidated, and I'll be reduced to bragging about my Trophy Concubine™.
I've always meant to write a post with this title, but somehow never got around to it. Then I saw The-always-amazing-Zuska's latest about the way that Erma Bombeck's name is being used to derogate people as being unserious and tied somehow to domestic life. Somehow I hadn't realized that "Bombeck" was an insult - although it shouldn't have surprised me, given our deep social contempt for women and women's traditional work (the subject of most of Erma Bombeck's humor.) Not that I needed another reason to be bored and annoyed by the eternally over-rated Steve Pinker, but here's one. This…
Don't be bitter, Hemant! Who is the most godless atheist of 2009? PZ Myers 61% (361 votes) Everyone else in the universe combined 39% (226 votes)
tags: bible, religion, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, Ricky Gervais, streaming video This funny video is from atheist comedian Ricky Gervais's live stand-up show, Fame. In this clip, he discusses the Bible and religion.
tags: Religion Has Had Its Day, religion, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, Argumental, Marcus Brigstocke, Rory McGrath, streaming video This amusing video is from the television show, Argumental. In this third season episode, Marcus Brigstocke argues FOR while Rory McGrath argues AGAINST the topic, "Religion Has Had Its Day."
Given my long known weak spot for Downfall parodies (even though they are an Internet fad whose time has come and probably already gone), how on earth did I miss this? PodBlack Cat shows me that, believe it or not, Hitler was a chiropractor. He's been asked to talk about the use of chiropractic for infant colic (you know, the same thing that Simon Singh got in trouble in the U.K. for criticizing), but there is a most unfortunate (and hilarious) complication: Best line: "Christ, there is more evidence that Elvis is still alive!" Well, maybe not. There are lots of good lines, and I had a hard…
tags: Never a Year Like '09, JibJab, politics, America, cultural observation, 2009 in review, comedy, streaming video Octomom. Balloon Boy. Tiger Woods. If there's one thing for sure in this world, it's that as long as people are acting reckless, insane and just plain stupid (i.e. like people), there will always be plenty of material available for JibJab's annual "Year in Review" videos! What was your favorite event of 2009 that wasn't mentioned in this video? Mine was the amazing career of Rachel Alexandra.
I have four blood-relative aunts. Three of them are math teachers. One is a respiratory therapist. My dad is a math/science teacher. Mom was an accountant. I have cousins that went into nursing, forensics, and 'organic chemistry'. My brother is an engineer. And Im a researcher. Im mostly Russian and British, with a bit of German. Couple this with the fact 'science' and 'math'' were essential to the evolution of modern man, the only logical conclusion is that there are 'math' and 'science' genes which result in 'adaptive phenomena' that are selected for or against, depending on historical/…
tags: Real Life Pacman, prank, humor, funny, streaming video This video is a funny prank -- it looks like the perfect prank to play in a university library during Final Exams week.
tags: dogs, pets, hospitals, organ transplants, comedy, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, television, streaming video This video is the hilariously stupid dog scene from One Tree Hill, now with suitably awkward closing music.
tags: Bikini Curling, Drinkers with a Curling Problem, curling, sports, parody, satire, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video In a new made-for-mobile series, "Drinkers with a Curling Problem," award-winning Canadian director David Ostry explores deviant variations of the favorite winter sport -- curling. You might recall my own fondness for the sport of curling.
tags: Santa Claus Boot Camp, Marines, Christmas, holidays, Father Christmas, parody, satire, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video This amusing video shows you details for how next year's Santas are being prepared for their respected position as givers of gifts.
True, heartwarming tales from the Bible, sure to gladden the hearts of children everywhere:
Seen in a parking lot while shopping about three weeks ago: I sense a disconnect between the two messages contained on the back of a very large SUV...
tags: What Would Jesus Buy? - Beat The Devil, religion, parody, satire, funny, humor, streaming video This video is by producer Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) and director Rob VanAlkemade. "What Would Jesus Buy?" examines the commercialization of Christmas in America while following Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping Gospel Choir on a cross-country mission to save Christmas from the Shopocalypse (the end of humankind from consumerism, over-consumption and the fires of eternal debt.) The film also delves into issues such as the role sweatshops play in America's mass consumerism…
...heavy duty firearms? Somehow, I don't think we're in Hammond, Indiana anymore.