
The creationists have done it again, first it was bananas and now it's peanut butter. It seems they do all of their heavy thinking while shopping for groceries. Ray Comfort saw mutant bananas forged through artificial selection as evidence of God's presence (little did he know that wild bananas are inedible to humans). Now creationists seem impressed that pasteurization works. If this is the sort of thing that can persuade people, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised that so many in the United States aren't able to understand the science of climate change.
Creationism is so boring. Creationist: BIOLOGICAL FEATURE ___ IS IMPOSSIBLAH! Scientist: Um, Dude, theres like 65 years of research explaining how feature ___ evolved. Creationist: NO THAT RESEAERCH SUPPORTS JESUS! EVIDENCES OF CREATION! Scientist: What? No, we have a pretty good idea the evolutionary steps between ___ and ___. Theres no way this research supports special creation. I mean, its actually taught in undergrad biology classes now. Creationist: NO. I CALCULATED IMPOSSIBLAH. JESUS LOVES ME! Scientist: ... Youre just mashing the keys of your calculator. Thats not a '…
By way of Mocha Mama, we find a superb spoof of that really annoying Super Bowl commercial--the Dodge "Last Stand" one--which described how men are supposedly being emasculated (here's a helpful hint for you if you're feeling emasculated: stop watching so much fucking television, and go do something useful. Just saying). Anyway, this is brilliant: Brilliant.
tags: americans, ignorance, stupid, uneducated, Bill Maher, comedy, humor, beliefs, television, education, streaming video "This country is like a college chick after two long island iced teas: we can be talked into anything, like wars, and we can be talked out of anything, like health care," says Bill Maher. "We should forget town halls and replace them with study halls."
tags: How to Swear Like a Brit, humor, funny, comedy, culture, British culture, cursing, swearing, language, streaming video My spouse, who I was told was a "shy and nerdly British scientist" is anything but that! He is teaching me, a shy and nerdly American scientist, how to swear like a Brit, something that inspired me to share this video with you.
Unfortunately, these stats don't look much different from what we'd get in Minnesota.
tags: Conan O'Brien, Martha Stewart, Conan O'Brien Invades Martha Stewart's Kitchen, humor, funny, comedy, offbeat, cultural observation, television, streaming video After having my kitchen invaded repeatedly -- six times, for those who care -- by strangers hired by IKEA to install the kitchen that my spouse purchased three months ago, I can relate to this video, where Conan O'Brien invades Martha Stewart's kitchen. The end is quite funny, though!
tags: British, Americans, funny things that people say, humor, funny, comedy, offbeat, cultural observation, television, streaming video Here's an amusing list of the top ten funny things that Americans say to Brits, as said by Stephen Fry Ricky Gervais (this is posted in honor of my spouse, who is British, who is celebrating his birdday today);
tags: dog eating, funny, offbeat, silly, humor, pets, pranks, fucking hilarious, streaming video This video shows what happens when a guy and his dog have too much time (and a video camera) on their hands.
tags: Downfall, Even Hitler Made a Hitler Parody, internet meme, technology, Hitler, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video If you've been following the Hitler Parodies video meme on YouTube (197 unique videos so far!), then you'll appreciate this amusing parody where Hitler himself tries to jump on the bandwagon. (I am standing in a restaurant in Germany, viewing this video and the waitress just looked over my shoulder .. GAH! I hope this isn't illegal here!)
Teach the controversy. (via Bizarro)
Hey, I think that's me in this cartoon! It's a pretty good lesson, too.
Kevin Smith, the writer and raconteur, was recently booted from a plane for being too fat. He's a big guy, but not so big he doesn't fit in an airplane seat — so this looks like some weird, nasty, rude policy being pushed by Southwest Airlines. It's an injustice, but it's also hilarious, because Kevin Smith is the kind of guy who can turn it into a 1½ hour rant. It's also amusing because Smith has 1½ million followers on Twitter, and he tweeted the whole escapade. He has far more followers than Southwest Airlines, and while maybe they're trying to say their side of the story on the airline's…
Modern technology can make everything better.
Link to article discussing the importance of the holiday. Amusing cartoon to lighten the mood. Standard video of cute animals gamboling affectionately below the fold: Cheerful sign-off and encouragement to enjoy the holiday!
tags: nerds, valentine's day, comedy, funny, humor, parody, offbeat, music video, education, streaming video I did what this guy suggests and went one further: I married a nerd (but not on VD). It's kinda hard being a nerd on Valentine's Day. Cause Statistically ladies don't feel the same way. So i say to all the girls, From the nerds across the world. Hug a nerd on Valentines Day. Oh it only takes me one minute so solve a rubix cube. But when it comes to the ladies I'm a really big noob. So i say to all the girls, from the nerds across the world. Hug a nerd on Valentine's Day. Spoken: YOU…
The utter discrediting and disgrace of Andrew Wakefield, first by the judgment of the General Medical Council against him and then by the retraction of the crown jewel of his respectability his 1998 Lancet paper that sparked the modern anti-vaccine movement and launched a thousand autism quacks. The reaction of the anti-vaccine loons was very predictable, with Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey producing a hilariously paranoid conspiracy theory and J.B. Handley following suit with more monkey business. Truly, the downfall of their hero, which has been a long time in coming but has finally arrived…
tags: Look Around You: Ghosts!, supernatural, documentary, science, BBC, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video Ghosts is part of the hilarious British comedy "Look Around You", series. The episodes are a satire/homage of 1970s and early 1980s educational videos and schools programs, with a different scientific subject being discussed in each episode, or "modules" as they are referred to in the series.
tags: Beaker's Ballad, humor, funny, silly, weird, Beaker, The Muppets, streaming video I can't help it, I've been bitten by the Beaker Bug! Besides, I need some silliness in my life right now since I've been suffering from wacky brain chemistry this week and I am faced with a weekend where I have to spend a large portion of time unpacking boxes. So you'll just have to suffer alongside me and watch this video;
tags: NASA Scientists Plan To Approach Girl By 2018, scientists, geeks, nerds, pencilheads, ONN, Onion News Network, comedy, humor, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video President Obama recently increased funding to all science organizations, including NASA. According to this news report, it appears that NASA has already budgeted their share of the money to support their plan to approach a girl at the laundromat by 2018. This amusing video is a commentary on male scientists, geeks, nerds and other types of pencilheads. It actually looks to be rather close to the truth.