
Note: This is a lightly revised version of a post from ye olde blogge (actually ye older blogge, the original Casaubon's Book). At the time I wrote it, I didn't know about Dan Savage's brilliantly funny book on the seven deadly sins _Skipping Towards Gomorrah_ and if I had, I probably wouldn't have written this, since it seems so derivative in retrospect. But since I didn't, and it was a fun one to write, I'm re-running it here. I got a very funny email from a correspondant who asked that I not use his name when I write this. He tells me that he's newly aware of peak oil and climate change…
tags: CATalunia Boy's Choir, classical music, humor, funny, strange,cat sounds, music video, streaming video This amusing video should go into the "what did we do before YouTube?" category. This video captures the CATalunia Boy's Choir singing classical music with feline vocals .. it's a 'must view' for all cat owners and cat fans!
I've often wondered what I should write after everyone is already living the Zombie attack and is bored with hearing about how to grow food and mend your socks. I figure at some point, the market will be saturated by such things, and people will want to escape - and I should start thinking now about escapist fiction. I was thinking detective novels, but I clearly should have been thinking "porn." Apparently IPCC head Rajendra Pachauri has already begun preparing for his post-climate crisis second career, by writing what nearly every review suggests is an unbelievably bad smutty novel with…
It looks like a lot of people love xkcd.
It's never going to end — Ben Stein's voice still makes me grind my teeth (oh, wait — Stein's voice did that to me even before he made Expelled). Now here's another parody of his horrible little movie, with a little name check of yours truly in there.
This article on why an octopus is more awesome than your mom is generally accurate and valid — octopuses probably are more awesome than your mom — but suffers a bit from an incomplete survey of moms. The author has not met the awesome mom of me, nor is he acquainted with the ferocious Trophy Wife™, who also happens to moonlight as the indomitable Trophy Mother™. Otherwise, though, it is an acceptable overview of octopodal merits.
tags: religion, cults, humor, funny, silly, hypocrisy, Edward Current, streaming video "I just found out that my favorite YouTuber for Christ is actually a godless atheist God-mocker. Blocked!"
tags: religion, cults, humor, funny, silly, weird, Ali G, streaming video Ali G talks to religious wingnuts about their beliefs .. oddly, religious wingnuts don't like talking about aspects of their own religion that offend them .. if their religion and its real-life applications are so offensive, why believe all that wingnuttery in the first place?
tags: weather, humor, funny, silly, weird, Jim Kosek, meterology, streaming video forecast video for the coming Snowpocalypse in the DC/Baltimore area shows meteorologist Jim Kosek freaking out a little about the storm. Oh boy.
tags: Ode to Joy, humor, funny, silly, weird, Beaker, The Muppets, streaming video Ode to Joy, as performed by that strange little Muppet, Beaker;
At least we still have the Narwhal song.
So for those of you getting ready for Snowpocalypse, as the mid-Atlantic faces, gasp - a whole foot of snow, I have to tell you something. I'm jealous. I mean really, really jealous. I want your snow. A general pattern of winter storms in my area (upstate NY) is that they come down from Canada and across the Great Lakes. We are at the very eastern edge of the snow belt in New York, and we don't usually get the giant lake-effect snows that Buffalo and other areas get, but we can generally expect to spend the winter with a solid several feet on the ground. But not this year. Somehow, all…
As you all know, I live with five males, ranging from 39 to 4. As a woman raised in a mostly all-female household (mother, step-mother, two sisters), I try gamely to fit in, but find myself occasionally mystified by the guy-ness, or inadequately equipped for things like appreciating how cool it is to write in the snow with your penis. This was clearly one of those moments. Me, (coming downstairs for a cup of tea before returning to my book) "What's with the sledgehammer, honey?" The boys: "Daddy is going to let us smash geodes! Awesome! We tried it with the hammer, but it didn't work, so…
I've now been at scienceblogs for a couple of months, and it is fascinating to me - I went from a stand-alone blog to one with a whole lot of other people, and getting to know the local culture is a really interesting exercise. Overwhelmingly, it has been really wonderful and fascinating. Still, I have learned some new-to-me things about this culture. I thought I would do a series, seeing if I could sum up the lessons learned here as I adapt to this strange new world. So here is the first one. #1 - The phrase "American Conservative Evangelical Protestantism" is spelled "R-E-L-I-G-I-O-N. In…
tags: Kitchen Science: An Offbeat Look at Water, water, documentary, science, BBC, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video A peculiar (scientific?) look at the three phases of water and how it affects living things ...
tags: Alone in the Shed, documentary, cultural observation, men, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video This video documentary captures a modern-day everyman's adventure: one man's extraordinary attempt to survive completely alone in his shed.
tags: People are Boring, social commentary, cultural observation, George Carlin, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video George Carlin was the perfect crotchety old man. In this video, he reveals that he actually likes people -- in short doses lasting roughly a minute or less. Why? George, it seems, has a low tolerance for stupid bullshit.
I'd recommend that every school board member who proposes that we teach both sides of the evolution "controversy" view this movie, except they're usually such delicate prudes who get outraged at tone that they'd probably have a heart attack at the profanity in this clip. Wait…maybe that's an additional reason they should watch it!
tags: Britain's Hardest Men, journalism, television news, cultural observation, Charlie Brooker, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video What is it about some men and violence? This video news report seeks to provide amusement and a little insight.
tags: iPad, MADTV, technology, commentary, NSFW, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video It's rude, it's disgusting, it's NOT SAFE FOR WORK! (but admit it, all of you thought this very thing when you first heard the name of Apple's newest technology, didn't you)