
For those of you who haven't been following the story line, Mr Wiggles, the sociopathic teddy bear, has recently filled in for God, and really messed up the universe. Only not really — it was all just a dream. But at least it has a happy ending. It makes me happy, too.
tags: Stephen Colbert, Joseph Cirincione, Ploughshares Fund, comedy, funny, humor, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, streaming video I admire Stephen Colbert because he looks like a relatively conservative man, but inside his suit-clad body is trapped a brilliant but twisted eight-year-old, as you will notice during this video of his interview with Ploughshares Fund President Joe Cirincione. "Well .. you made it .. ugly." (screaming with laughter) Full interview: The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Better Know a Lobby - Ploughshares Fund…
tags: speech, Public School, Don't be an Individual, Paideia School, Nick Kocher, comedy, funny, humor, social commentary, streaming video This is an (obviously) amateur streaming video of a speech given at the Paideia School Senior Dinner a few days before graduation. I think many of us can empathize, and those of you who cannot, well, why are you reading my blog? Like Nick, get pimples and dry skin at the same time, too. My skin is a never-ending battle. But I should mention that a particular shade of purple really is my favorite color. Incidentally, if you wish to learn more about Nick…
Those evilutionists! Do they have to taint everything? You can get that on a evolutionmas card, too. Perfect for giving Aunt Petunia conniptions.
Your Sunday funnies from
It puts it all in perspective, doesn't it? There is the unfortunate fact that most Americans would probably regard Kirk Cameron as a legitimate authority, rather than a whiny and arrogant clod with delusions of competence, however…
From the brilliant minds at WTF, indeed. I got my vaccine, have you?
Alright, I'm officially tired of the latest Age of Autism outrage. So, while I wait for J.B. Handley to strike back (or not), let's move on to lighter subjects for a moment. And what better to cleanse the palate of the vision of cannibals eating babies as a metaphor for those who standup for science than a little pareidolia? Yes, it's another Virgin Mary sighting, this time in a pancake: Now, I've seen Jesus on a pancake. Heck, there's even a site dedicated to Jesus on pancakes. Besides, others have beaten this woman to seeing Mary on a pancake. This is actually a pretty lame Virgin Mary…
tags: politics, GOP, Rethuglicans, Presidential Candidate 2012, Ronald Reagan, Zombie Reagan, ONN, Onion News Network, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video It's been difficult, but I am so proud of the Rethuglicans for finally finding someone to be their 2012 presidential candidate who accurately reflects their values and mental capabilities so well! Zombie Reagan Raised From Grave To Lead GOP
tags: Stephen Fry, The Joys of Swearing, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video This is Stephen Fry, waxing eloquent on the joys of swearing. Since this is British swearing, I find it amusing but not terribly offensive (I think Americans are much better at swearing).
tags: FOX News, fuzzy math, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video Take a close look at the pie chart shown on this FOX Newscast and tell me if you see anything wrong with it? This man is yet another shining example of the conservative kneejerk response to the so-called "liberal bias" in today's media. Was this newscaster's brain switched to the "on" position when he read those numbers?
tags: Japan, spa prank, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video I love Japan and the Japanese, but watching videos like this tend to make me paranoid. How about you?
It's Thanksgiving here in the States; so I plan on taking the day off from blogging that I might partake of the American custom of stuffing myself to the point of unconsciousness while hanging out with my family. In the meantime, bow before the genius of the Muppets, as they perform one of my favorite songs of all time: I thought it appropriate for the holiday, given its beginning. The use of Beaker in this video was particularly inspired.
You know, I have three manuscripts in the hopper with two of them having recently been returned to me with reviewers' comments. Frustratingly, one of these is a manuscript that I've been trying to get published for nearly a year now. Given that I appear to have some work to do over the long holiday weekend coming up in order to answer reviewer criticisms and get the manuscripts ready for resubmission (you know what I'll be doing either Friday or Saturday--and it won't be shopping), I truly appreciate this bit of advice on how to deal with the wayward reviewer who doesn't appreciate the…
We've had an infestation of insane trolls today who have babbled incoherently about who knows what…I think Keith Knight has captured them perfectly.
Uh-oh. This episode of Mr Deity will fire up some denunciations. Take a deep breath, and remember, he's satirizing religious attitudes. Listen through to the end, though — he has an excellent suggestion. This weekend is Thanksgiving, and instead of sitting through another football game, put a Mr Deity episode on, and get the whole extended family talking about irreverence. Come on, it'll be fun! There might even be a food fight!
tags: insects, comedy, humor, bentekr, animation, streaming video This video shows honeybees at work, and suddenly discovering a pot of honey on a picnic table. What do they do? This video follows the secret life of these bees.
From Atheist
tags: insects, comedy, humor, bentekr, animation, streaming video I love cicadas, and this video about a cicada who learns the "wrong" song is just so sweet! The star of this video was introduced to salsa music while still in his egg, but he still manages to find true love. Can anyone tell me if there are cicadas in Frankfurt?