
Oh, yes, my brothers and sisters, we have done it! My pharma paymasters are very, very pleased indeed with me and all of their other blogging and Twittering minions. Very, very pleased indeed. In fact, they are cackling with glee over the discomfiture of one of their greatest enemies, Mike Adams, a.k.a. The Health Ranger! This brave rebel's plan to attack the conspiracy by winning a Shorty Award in Health has been thwarted, thanks to the efforts of you and me, oh my brothers and sisters, and The Health Ranger has gone completely mental about it: I was set to take the top prize, and Dr.…
I commend Chris Mooney for being so open-minded that he was willing to guest-author a comic on Jesus & Mo. just gotta love The Onion. Not only is it a lazy-ass blogiste's best friend, providing amusing commentary when you just can't get a post up, but it also does a lovely job of illustrating the scope of our ecological problems now and again. You'll enjoy this one. "It's not like I don't care, because I do, and most of the time I don't even buy bottled water," thought Missouri school teacher Heather Delamere, the 450,000th caring and progressive individual to have done so that morning, and the 850,000th to have purchased the environmentally damaging vessel due to being thirsty, in a huge…
OK, so this wasn't really part of ScienceOnline2010, but it really should've been. Perhaps there could be a special session next year on comedy in scientific communication. Any nominations on who the panelists should be? While you think about that, here's something that actually was at the conference.
Every guy in the world knows that this was so true. It's also perfectly in character for Jehovah, who is obsessed with that thing.
tags: The Downfall, Hitler, funny, weird, parody, scientific research paper, peer-review process, scientific publishing, streaming video OMG, this is the most hilarious scientific research video parody I've seen. It is a fly-on-the-wall view of what happens when a research paper is sent out for peer-review and the mysterious reviewer #3 demands more experiments before the paper is accepted for publication. Unfortunately, it is closer to the truth than the public (and even some scientists) realizes ... "Or I could write it up for Scientific American." Hahahaha!
Ol' Carl, the Australian young earth creationist, got all bent out of shape at the disrespect we gave to his freak show and is appalled that atheists are having a convention in Melbourne, and so now he has come out with a video reply to the whole affair. I've always wanted to grow up to be a Soviet armor division.
tags: Guide to Asian Emoticons, online life, cute, Japan, culture, silly, big boobs, streaming video This is a rather silly guide to Asian emoticons .. except the emoticons I am seeing in this video are Japanese .. is Japan the emoticon capital of the Asian world? Hrm. Anyway, the straight boyz in the audience will especially like this video -- need I say more? =^.^=
ScienceOnline 2010 was one of the most amazing meetings I've attended in a long time and it's going to take some time to process it all, but in the mean time, it seems other bloggers (phylogenomics, CogSci, and Ed) have started one of those meme things and so, here goes.  At ScienceOnline 2010, I learned: More than I ever wanted to know about the intimate details of duck sex. courtesy of Carl Zimmer! Likewise for dolphins. courtesy of Kevin Zelnio! Why the instantiation of Baked Alaska will never be as good as the Platonic Ideal. (courtesy of Dr. Freeride) What DNA Jesus would…
tags: religion, school, religion, catholicism, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, Dave Allen, streaming video Irish Comedian Dave Allen (1936-2005) remembers his introduction to religion -- his first day of school. David Tynan O'Mahoney (Dave Allen) was popular in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada in the 1960s, 1970s and also in the 1990s; he became known in America through reruns of his shows on public television. Allen's act was typified by a very relaxed, intimate style -- he would sit on a chair, smoking and holding a glass of whiskey. An atheist[1] (according to Allen himself, "…
tags: religion, IDiots, satire, parody, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, Hitler, DOWNFALL, streaming video The so-called Discovery Institute is a pretentious über-Christian disguise for creationism and an ultra-Conservative social agenda called The Wedge Strategy. So-called Intelligent Design theory is plagiarized from William Paley's long-refuted Blind Watchmaker argument, and is merely creationism in a not-so-cunning disguise. Having neither facts nor logic at their disposal, the polemicists of the so-called Discovery Institute have been forced to resort to lies and subterfuge. One of…
The Economist responds to economist Eugene Fama, who said: I didn't renew my subscription to The Economist because they use the world bubble three times on every page. The Economist: Obviously, we are disappointed to have lost Mr Fama's business. But I can't say we regret the cause. UPDATE: An Economist correspondent notes that as a die-hard believer in the Efficient Markets Hypothesis, Mr Fama is actually being quite rational in cancelling his subscription. As all publicly available information is already reflected in market prices, there's not much point in trying to learn anything from our…
tags: Kitten Mittens, funny, weird, silly, cats, pets, streaming video Does your cat make too much noise? Try Kitten Mittens! Interessante Showeinlage eines verrückten Katzenbesitzers.
tags: The Downfall, Hitler, funny, weird, silly, Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, streaming video It's a bad day for everyone! In this parody, Hitler finds out the devastating news just before a planned vacation to Southern California: Leno Is Moving Back To Late Night. The film used to parody the NBC Late Night situation is DOWNFALL starring Bruno Ganz. Essay below the jump is a brief blow-by-blow synopsis of Leno-O'Brien opinions on the matter. A brief blow-by-blow synopsis of Leno-O'Brien opinions on the matter: MONDAY Jay Leno, monologue from "The Jay Leno Show" : "I take pride in one thing. I…
On Sunday, I was stuck on a long boring drive — there is no scenery between Winnipeg and Morris, only a pale gray void with wisps of snow blowing through it — and was thinking about some of the conversations I'd had the night before. I was a bit envious. My own upbringing in religion was rather tepid, an exposure to bland liberal Lutheranism of the Scandinavian Phlegmatic sect, and had no drama at all to it, and was more like a Unitarian Universalist church with a historical creed attached to it that no one cared much about. Yet here I'd been talking with ex-fundamentalist ex-Mennonites,…
Some of you may have noticed the lack of updates here yesterday. I must apologize; I was in a crisis and having a bit of a breakdown. You see, everyone was sending me the latest xkcd comic, which was kind of like the God Equation, except that I have a deep and abiding faith in Randall Munroe, praise be unto him, amen, and knew he wouldn't get the math wrong. At first I laughed, but then as the implications began to sink in, I realized I was in deep metaphysical trouble. You see, the width of the English channel is variable: it's going to vary by small, chance amounts as waves shift grains of…
tags: The Conspiracy Game, religion, wingnuts, crackpots, humor, funny, satire, parody, Da Vinci Code, streaming video It's Sunday morning once again, and thus, it's time for a reality check. This time, let's play a little game; The Conspiracy Game!
tags: Super Sunday: The Baptazia Dance Club, religion, dance, funny, weird, Baptazia, streaming video Religion might be viewed by some as the modern dancing disease. Others might view Sunday morning church services as a cheap gym or dance club. Audio from Clipz & Die with MC IC3 & MC Shabba - OneNation Valentines Festival 2007.
tags: How to Wrap a Cat for Christmas, holidays, christmas, funny, weird, silly, cats, pets, streaming video This silly and amusing video is a little late for christmas, but it's still the holiday season, more or less (especially considering the mountains of snow that people in much of the Northern Hemisphere are dealing with right now), so it's appropriate.
tags: Polishing a Turd to a High Gloss, silly, funny, mythbusters, poo, technology, streaming video Is it possible to polish a turd to a high gloss? Well, it depends upon how you define "high gloss" but these two men had an unambiguous standard for measuring "high gloss units" and they set out to find out if it is possible to accomplish this.