
Maaaaaan. Christmas 2005: Intelligent Design gets taken off life support Christmas 2006: Mr. Dembskis Fartastic Flash Animation Christmas 2007: Discovery Institute gets caught breaking the eighth commandment. Christmas 2008: Boo. *sigh* Well, we can always count on little Casey Luskin for a good laugh.
tags: Happy Christmas, The Microwave Song, satire, humor, streaming video This is what happens when you have a bunch of people who are unemployed: they do silly things like this! And it seems this will continue for a long long time since they are not going to have jobs for a long time into the future, either [1:40]
Continued from Christmas last year... Well, if I were Santa, I'd be scared too if this guy sat on my lap: You didn't think Christmas could pass without our old friend making an appearance, did you? Yes, our blog mascot can be a bit scary at times to those who have not met him before, but as you can see he's really into the Christmas spirit: Here's hoping you and yours have a Merry Christmas. From EneMan. Just be glad our other blog mascot hasn't been particularly active in 2008.
tags: Santa Claus Bailout Hearings, satire, humor, christmas, streaming video C-SPAN coverage of Santa Claus asking Congress for a financial bailout of the North Pole Gift Giving Industry. If they don't approve his aid package, Christmas may be ruined. [4:34]
tags: Iraq shoe throwing store discount sale, satire, humor, streaming video And now, just in time for your last-minute christmas shopping needs, Iraq's #1 Discount Shoe Emporium offers a discount on all their slip-on throwing shoes! [1:22]
At last, biologists get some respect from xkcd…and it features cephalopods. Seriously, no other branch of science has anything as wicked cool as the diversity of life to play with. By the way, the artist reveals his physics bias when he has the cuttlefish crudely zapping their targets with boring old electricity. A much more subtle and powerful strategy would be to use them as vectors for a modified strain of Vibrio that would infect the brains of their victims, causing them to both glow in the dark and have an irresistible desire to close out their bank accounts and mail the contents to me……
Because I have to hand back my laptop to my present employer, and my future employer won't have a Mac for me before mid-January or later, I may not be able to post much for a while. I do have access to a desktop PC, but what can one really do with that sort of SNAFU technology anyway? I may get a loan of an old G4, but that won't run some of my software. So nobody play Mornington Crescent while I'm gone, OK? Enjoy the surfeit of food if you have access to it, and survive the family reunions.
Lack of self-awareness is a tragic disease running rampant in the fundagelical community. Here's an amusing instance: what happens if you tell children about Santa, and then they find out the truth? Why, they go on a terrorist rampage of murder and mayhem, of course. Right. I'm sure you all remember that day when you discovered Santa Claus was just-pretend, maybe when you were 4 or 5, and you right away ran out and burned down the pre-school and strangled the cat. Funny, isn't it, how everyone reading this figured out that Santa isn't real and managed to survive the trauma without committing…
Since everyone is sending me this link, I'll go ahead and mention the amusing comparisons between various religions and programming languages…however, I am deeply offended. They left out the greatest programming languages of all, Pascal (especially Object Pascal) and Modula-2. What's with all this praise for obscurantist C and its dialects? Wirth's languages win on clarity and structure. Perhaps it is because they can't be compared to religion in any way.
Oh dear. I have a bad feeling about this. Via Greg Laden's blog comes a list of 219 movies and supposedly if you have seen more than 85 you have no life... Prepare yourself (x) Rocky Horror Picture Show (x) Grease (x) Pirates of the Caribbean (x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest ( ) Boondock Saints (x) Fight Club (x) Starsky and Hutch (x) Neverending Story (x) Blazing Saddles (x) Universal Soldier (x) Lemony Snicket: A Series Of Unfortunate Events ( ) Along Came Polly ( ) Joe Dirt (x) KING KONG which version? All three ( ) A Cinderella Story ( ) The Terminal ( ) The Lizzie McGuire…
I'm a connoisseur of woo. It's true. Back when I first started blogging, I came across outrageous bits of pseudoscience such as the ones I feature periodically on Your Friday Dose of Woo, and I wasn't sure quite what to do with them. Indeed, I had a hard time deciding if some of them were massive Sokal-type hoaxes or evenif the person writing them really believed in them. Of course, I had a lot of fun taking them on. How could I not? After all, what else can one make of something like, for example, DNA Activation or "healing sounds," or even for that matter that unholy alliance of…
I grew up with the internet. This is my life. I regularly make internet culture references that others are too old/young to get (which is why I like hanging out with WoWers, even though I dont play-- they get my jokes :P). So I thought I would do myself and my readers a favor by posting on the next internet phenomenon, so you dont accidentally miss it... THE CRUSADE BEGINS!! ALLIGATOR! SPARKLE CHEST! GUITAR! BLOW UP BOAT! DAGGER! SPINNY CRYSTAL THINGIE! Love has enemies... Chris Dane Owens-- My album is being mixed now and will be up on Itunes and on CD in February. A letterboxed DVD version…
Give it a try. Keep refreshing the page and you'll get compliments like: "May your succulent earlobes ever flap about my knees like a thousand wooden pigeons fleeing the local sawmill." "Wend you not to wreak annihilable havoc with my tumefascent transmitters and turgid devices. " "If you were a camel your humps would be esoterically bald from overuse." "Madam! How your enormous foreskin shades me from the sun! " "A kitten's growl would not come near the plights of your spoken voice." "Your eyelids refract the turgid limnations of an eel trapped in flickering cinematographic paralysis." "If…
...his periodic system of elements would look like this: To see large, go here.
Yeah, they've got us there.
I had always suspected that this is what was really going on: Actually, it would have been a lot more fun if this had been what really happened.
tags: animal christmas, funny, humor, parody, streaming video This hilarious little video is filled with lots of animals who are wishing you a happy christmas! How can you not watch this? [1:20]
…then the gospels would have been written like this.
tags: Bailey the SnowDog, funny, humor, pets, dogs, streaming video This amusing little video features Bailey the snowdog and "Rudolph the Reindeer" by Harry Connick Jr. [2:36] The cinematographer writes; I shot this video on VHS-C in my backyard, near Ward, Colorado (8,700' elevation) during a blizzard in the late 1990's; a local weatherman said it was the most measureable snow (if memory serves, it was 54" in 48 hours) from the least amount of moisture ever. Cheers to dogs, and to all those that love them! Please be well and Happy Holidays!!!