
Getting in on the collectable card game fad, the New Humanist has published a set of religion cards. Here's a familiar one: Here we are: Unfortunately, while they have all those stats on the cards, they haven't given us any rules! I don't know how to play the game, other than to mix all the cards together in a bag, and set fire to them. At least that has some real-world verisimilitude to it.
This looks like a pile of wooden cubes with odd images on them.   Assemble them correctly, and you get a 3-D image of the brain...except you can't see it when you are done... ...because the image is entirely inside.   The real puzzle is this: Where do you get one?  I found it on three sites ( href="">1 2 href="">3), but nobody links to the original source.
tags: extreme bird watching, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video is a hilarious look at bird watching and bird watchers themselves -- in this video, you will meet such luminaries as Rodney "Swamp Sparrow" Sinclair, Tanya "Titmouse" Slippers, Leo "The Loon" Cantarell and Warren "Dodo" Morgan [2:36]. So dear readers, which birder most resembles you? I think I am most like "Swamp Sparrow" Sinclair: Judgment Day is coming for birders!
tags: gawd is hate, grrlscientist with beaker of evil, humor, reader response Secret Underground Laboratory, New York, NY 10024. Image: Homeland Security Photo of GrrlScientist with Beaker of Evil. God inspired a reader of mine to write a message to me in response to my godless spoutings. My reader, being a blog writer, posted it to his blog (much like the disciples did when gawd inspired them to write stuff -- no doubt only after they'd all sparked up a doobie and sat back on the couch with a bag of Doritos and quill-and-ink and a piece of parchment). This piece is one letter that will…
(via Effect Measure)
This one started at Nature Networks, where I am not a blogger, but as Larry and Bora have answered it, among others, I figured I'd have a go too... 1. What is your blog about? Basically the philosophical implications of science, although that extends into the distance a bit when I get angry about antiscience or political moves that either interfere with science or rely on bad science. 2. What will you never write about? There's not much I won't write about. I'm a philosopher, so a mere lack of knowledge hardly fazes me. I can express complex views on any topic even if, or rather…
Downfall was a great movie, arguably the greatest movie about Adolf Hitler's final days ever made. However, it contains one scene, one incredibly powerful scene, where aides bring Hitler news that the last defenses had fallen, that the divisions that Hitler thought he had no longer existed, and that the forces that were trying to reach Berlin to fight the Russians had been repulsed. It was at this point that Hitler finally realized that there was nothing left to stop the Soviet juggernaut from taking Berlin. At this point, Hitler finally realizes that the war is lost and that there is no hope…
tags: humor, funny, WTF, Detective Mittens, streaming video Meow meow meow meow meow meow meowmeow meow meow -- meow meow?? [3:50].
I did: Mike said, "The monster is back. He's struck again." "That cannot be. Besides, what do you know? You're a biologist and you're mad." "Stop being such a putz, Orac," retorted Mike. "Just because the election's over doesn't mean the monster is gone." "I did not think that the monster was gone. However, my analysis suggested that it would most likely go into hibernation for a while, having fed on the brains of so many politicians. After all, look at the level of specious comparisons to Hitler and the Nazis that occurred." "True, but apparently the Hitler Zombie was not sated. After all,…
Here, by the incredibly young, handsome and way too successful Carl Zimmer, late of the Seed stable. Carl brings to mind my favourite Truman Capote saying: It is not enough to succeed. Friends must be seen to have failed. Anyway, go read the bastard's excellent essay. I will just sit here in my pool of failure.
Various alternatives to and offshoots from Wikipedia have emerged over the years.  Some readers may be familiar with Conservapedia, as an example.   Now there is an entity known as Christopedia.  Today the Featured Article is the one about href="">Barack Hussein Obama.  No big surprise there.  What is telling, is their choice of External Links: Why Jesus would not vote for Barack Obama, The Assassination of Barack Obama, The Black Kennedy: But does anyone know the real Barack Obama?, Obama offers change Kim Jong-Il can believe in, and so…
Yikes, this is an image to spark nightmares. Remember the little fly squeaking, "help me, help me" at the end of the horror movie, The Fly (the original, not the remake)? And it's Palin! I just have to reassure myself…this time, the flies wrested the swatter out of her hands, and shooed her back to Alaska.
Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are
This is the best!
All violence in this video is intended entirely metaphorically.
I wrote about this study the other day, but clearly I didn't have the final word. As usual, The Onion nails it.
I survived yesterday :) Back to normal science programming soon. But for all of you working to ween yourself off of politics news, Ive got a nicotine patch for ya: Freepers and RR. Bask in the schadenfreude. Come down off the laughing gas. Get back to work :P OH! And Im sure you all know what my recommendation is for Malia and Sashas new puppy!! Im SO glad NYT chose to quote the Human Society of the United States, Animal Liberation Front pieces of shit in their coverage of this fun event. *rolleyes*
tags: politics, Nellie gets the news, image of the day Nellie Gets The News. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George, 2008 [larger view]. The photographer writes: Central Park Raccoons do not have the luxury of cable news or NPR. It was my honor to be the one to break the news to Nellie.