
This must be why he used a flood, last time.
Bora made me do it... first line of the first post of each month the year. It doesn't quite read like a dadaist poem. January: OK, so the next door party finished about 1.30, but the family disputes finished about 5 am, so instead of thinking, I'm going to let others think for me, and round up a few New Years Day links...... February: Readers will know that I got very angry about the Haneef Affair, in which a muslim Indian doctor was accused of being a terrorist and deported by the improper abuse of power by the minister for immigration of the previous government. March: So I'm here, and…
I just love this: Cambridge University's Space Flight club got local school children to make space suits for these teddy bears, which were attached to a helium balloon that rose to 30km, enough to see the curvature of the earth. All teds were recovered safely. I expect Prof. Steve Steve to take the next flight up...
Because this cracks me up, here's the goofiest dog-in-snow footage I've ever seen:
Ever wonder who'd win in a war of Trek vs. the Empire? Well now you know!
Image: BBCNews. It seems that some geeky Brit who lives in Finland wants to have a commenter comment contest where we ask our readers to think of captions for this image and then we decide whose readers are the funniest (Of course, we all know that my readers are the funniest and wittiest and smartest out there, but I have to give the Finns Brits a sporting chance, right?)
No, no, no. This is what we do to convince them of evolution.
It's exactly the same, except it's about atheists instead of Jews. Funny, but also grating.
The war on Christmas is heating up. Look: here's Colbert mocking atheists. He sneers at our atheist Christmas cards, and even laughs at our letters to our families. */ The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Tip/Wag - All Wag Christmas Edition Colbert at ChristmasColbert Christmas DVD Green ScreenBill O'Reilly Interview And then there's Chris Buttars of Utah. Somebody get the memo to him, stat — doesn't he know that the War on Christmas is to be waged with humor and sarcasm? He's taking it seriously! There is a bit of humor there, though. Advertisers and legislators in…
tags: Snowball, dancing cockatoo, behavior, streaming video This streaming video is a clip from a longer DVD, Snowball's Snowy Christmas DVD, which is now available for Christmas gift giving. Children love Snowball and this DVD features the sulfur-crested cockatoo, Snowball, dancing to Christmas carols.
New: Solutions listed Mike Dunford, who is still trying to get me to pay for that time he put me up in Hawaii when his wife was on active service in Iraq (if I knew what I'd have to pay, both in climbing horrific rainforested slopes to release wallabies, and this meme, I'd never have gone) has tagged me, the bastard. It's a meme created by Henry Gee (I'll get even with him later, too). Find ten books, the first ones you see, go to page 56, sentence five and transcribe it. You readers are supposed to guess what they are. [I better keep a note or I'll be screwed later...] Below the fold…
Why, Sithmas, of course! Just ask Palpatine if you don't believe me: Yeah, this beats Squidmas hands down. Also, the Star Wars geek in me can't help but mention that Emperor Palpatine is more than happy to answer many other of your questions, including "Why didn't you kill Jar-Jar Binks?"; the sex lives of emperors; "How does Darth Vader use the bathroom?" (I've always wondered this myself); answers about the design defects in two Death Stars and Jedi methods to sway the ladies; and, perhaps my favorite, "Is Tom Cruise a Sith Lord?" Yes, only a geek like me could find this amusing.
(another own goal, of course.) There he goes again. Creationist neurosurgeon Michael Egnor's latest post over at the Discovery Institute's Why's Everybody Always Picking On Me blog may have actually reached a new standard for missing the point. And, as both my loyal regular readers know, that's not an easy mark for Egnor to hit. The current contender is his latest post in a back-and-forth that he's been having with PZ and Orac. Once again, Egnor is attempting to argue that evolutionary biology has not provided any useful insights to the field of medicine. That much is familiar ground.…
You know what my answer to this question would be. But what about puppet Steve Colbert's answer? He disagrees. Or does he: "Now sure, she's not the kind of expert who relies on facts and figures....She knows what she feels is true. She's that kind of expert." Heh. Oh, damn. PZ beat me to this. Damn it, making fun of Jenny McCarthy and antivaccinationists is my turf on ScienceBlogs!
Jeffrey Leonard, an environmentally friendly businessman (no, really, he is), makes an interesting case for jumpstarting the economy and Detroit by offering massive government-based rebates for their cars, including the gas guzzlers (italics mine): Skeptics will have two major objections. The first is economic, and the second is environmental. Those who object on economic grounds would argue that Detroit has gotten into trouble because it produces poor cars at high cost, and that handing billions to the industry to help it sell more cars would simply reward a failed business model. Those who…
When you need to address Jenny McCarthy's ideas, you really need to consult one of her equals: a puppet with rags and styrofoam for a brain.
This is too good for me to leave alone. Apparently, Illinois's Miller Park Zoo is making its own Christmas ornaments .. out of reindeer crap .. and selling them for $5 each in the zoo's gift shop. Some folks are surprised at the size of the "gems," which are only about as big as marbles. "Reindeer are so big," zoo maintenance worker Sheldon Williams said. But the droppings are "just a big pile of small." Source.
... to his doctors. Here. Late Note: Ronan in the comments points out this was in 2006. I think I was sleeping that year...