image of the day

tags: spring, nature, Image of the Day Spring. Picture snapped a couple weeks ago outside the College Park Metro Station. By the way, do you see the nesting bird in this image? Image Karen Davis [larger].
tags: Common Pochard, Aythya ferina, birds, Image of the Day Common Pochard, Aythya ferina (Hiroshima, Japan). Image: Bardiac [larger].
tags: Japanese White-Eye, Zosterops japonicus, birds, Image of the Day Japanese White-Eye, Zosterops japonicus (Osaka Prefecture, Japan). Image: Bardiac [larger].
tags: Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea, birds, Image of the Day Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea (Kumamoto, Japan). Image: Bardiac [larger].
tags: raccoon, Procyon lotor, Image of the Day Central Park raccoon, Procyon lotor. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George [larger]. Bob Levy writes: It's a little known fact but an incontrovertible one. Having had the opportunity to closely study the Central Park Raccoon population it did not take me long to discover that it is common for them to greatly exaggerate their exploits and accomplishments. In this image I was able to capture one typical example. Tsk, tsk. What a fibber. I was there. It was half that size.
tags: birds, Northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, ornithology, Image of the Day Note the paper teabag wrapper in the photo. I think it adds a "New Yorkish touch" to its construction. Nest of the Northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, located in a tree in the traffic circle in front of the Museum's parking garage. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George [larger view]. Did you notice the pale blue eggs in the nest?
tags: birds, Northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, ornithology, Image of the Day Papa Museum's left eye was unwaveringly fixed on mine. Male Northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George [larger view]. Bob Levy writes: A sure sign that "spring hath sprunged" is the appearance of songbird nests. I found my first one this season in an unexpected fashion but then I have come to expect the unexpected when bird-watching. For several minutes I had been standing beside a wrought iron fence where the sight and sound of a singing male House Finch mesmerized…
tags: mountain bluebird, Sialia currucoides, birds, Image of the Day Female mountain bluebird, Sialia currucoides. This bird surprised birders in Washington state by visiting Bainbridge Island this past weekend. Image: Eva Gerdts, April 2008. [larger view].
tags: mountain bluebird, Sialia currucoides, birds, Image of the Day Male mountain bluebird, Sialia currucoides. This bird surprised birders in Washington state by visiting Bainbridge Island this past weekend. Image: Eva Gerdts, April 2008 [larger view].
tags: Redbud tree, Cercis canadensis, trees, Image of the Day This image was a gift from one of my readers. Blossoms of the Redbud tree, Cercis canadensis. Image: Roger Brown 2008 [larger view].
tags: Harlequin Duck, Histrionicus histrionicus, birds, Image of the Day Last in a series of duck images by this photographer. Stay tuned: there are plenty more images by John that will appear soon! ABSTRACT: Male Harlequin Duck, Histrionicus histrionicus. Image: John Del Rio. [larger view].
tags: Long-tailed Duck, Clangula hyemalis, birds, Image of the Day Next-to-last in a series of duck images by this photographer. But there are plenty more images by John that will appear soon! Long-tailed Duck (formerly: Oldsquaw), Clangula hyemalis. Image: John Del Rio. [larger view].
tags: Ruddy Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis, birds, Image of the Day Sixth in a series of duck images by this photographer. Male Ruddy Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis. Image: John Del Rio. [larger view].
tags: King Eider, Somateria spectabilis, birds, Image of the Day Fifth in a series of duck images by this photographer. Male King Eider, Somateria spectabilis. Image: John Del Rio. [larger view].
tags: Northern Pintail, Anas acuta, birds, Image of the Day Fourth in a series of images by this photographer. Male Northern Pintail, Anas acuta. Image: John Del Rio. [larger view].
tags: Wood Duck, Aix sponsa, birds, Image of the Day Third in a series of images by this photographer. "Abstract" Male Wood Duck, Aix sponsa. Image: John Del Rio. [larger view].
tags: Harlequin duck, Histrionicus histrionicus, Long-tailed duck, Clangula hyemalis, birds, Image of the Day Second in a series by this photographer. Male Harlequin duck, Histrionicus histrionicus (left) and male Long-tailed duck (formerly: Oldsquaw), Clangula hyemalis (foreground). Image: John Del Rio. [larger view].
tags: Bufflehead, Bucephala albeola, birds, Image of the Day The first in a series by this photographer. Male Bufflehead, Bucephala albeola. Image: John del Rio. [larger view].
tags: Wild Turkey, Meleagris gallopavo, Manhattan, Kansas, birds, Image of the Day Wild Turkey, Meleagris gallopavo, seen at Fancy Creek and Randolph - North end of Tuttle Creek Reservoir in Kansas. Image: Dave Rintoul, KSU. [larger view].
tags: tree bark, Kentucky Coffee Tree, Manhattan, Kansas, nature, Image of the Day Bark of the Kentucky Coffee Tree, Gymnocladus dioicus. Image: GrrlScientist, 2008. [larger view].