image of the day

tags: nature, moon over desert, Image of the Day I have been digging through my image archives in my gmail account and found some real treasures that my readers sent to me. Unfortunately, I overlooked quite a few images that were sent when I was in the hospital and had poor computer access. So let me fix this oversight during the next few weeks; Moon over desert. (Possibly White Sands National Monument in New Mexico?) Orphaned image. [larger view].
tags: mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, birds, Image of the Day I have been digging through my image archives in my gmail account and found some real treasures that my readers sent to me. Unfortunately, I overlooked quite a few images that were sent when I was in the hospital and had poor computer access. So let me fix this oversight during the next few weeks; Male mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, coming in for a landing. Orphaned image. [larger view].
tags: lynx, Lynx canadensis, mammals, Image of the Day I have been digging through my image archives in my gmail account and found some real treasures that my readers sent to me. Unfortunately, I overlooked quite a few images that were sent when I was in the hospital and had poor computer access. So let me fix this oversight during the next few weeks; Lynx, Lynx canadensis. Orphaned image. [larger view].
tags: birds, Mergus merganser, common merganser, Image of the Day I have been digging through my image archives in my gmail account and found some real treasures that my readers sent to me. Unfortunately, I overlooked quite a few images that were sent when I was in the hospital and had poor computer access. So let me fix this oversight during the next few weeks; Common merganser, Mergus merganser, and chicks. Orphaned image [larger view].
tags: nature, poppies, Image of the Day I have been digging through my image archives in my gmail account and found some real treasures that my readers sent to me. Unfortunately, I overlooked quite a few images that were sent when I was in the hospital and had poor computer access. So let me fix this oversight during the next few weeks; Blooming poppies. Orphaned image [larger view].
tags: nature, mountain, Image of the Day I have been digging through my image archives in my gmail account and found some real treasures that my readers sent to me. Unfortunately, I overlooked quite a few images that were sent when I was in the hospital and had poor computer access. So let me fix this oversight during the next few weeks; This looks like Mt. Rainier to me, but maybe one of you has a better idea of this mountain's identity (and also, what is the name of the lake in the forground?) Orphaned image [larger view].
tags: birds, kea, Nestor notabilis, ornithology, Image of the Day I have been digging through my image archives in my gmail account and found some real treasures that my readers sent to me. Unfortunately, I overlooked quite a few images that were sent when I was in the hospital and had poor computer access. So let me fix this oversight during the next few weeks; Kea, Nestor notabilis. Image: Daniel Collins [larger view]. The photographer writes; This particular shot was taken around Arthurs Pass, in the middle of the South Island, NZ. This is standard Kea habitat, but I suspect you'd…
tags: birds, ornithology, Image of the Day This photo was taken in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Have you any idea what it is? The photographer thought it was an owl, but a friend of the photographer thinks it may be a young red-shouldered hawk -- but in Colorado? [larger view]. My guess is below the fold; I guess this is a partial leucistic red-tailed hawk, but it's really hard to tell!
tags: birds, sacred ibis, Threskiornis aethiopicus, ornithology, Image of the Day This thermal image of sacred ibis, Threskiornis aethiopicus. shows that these birds are well insulated, with only their eyes and one leg losing heat. Staff at London Zoo say this unique insight shows how animals regulate their body temperatures, and could be used to diagnose illness. Image: Steve Lowe [larger view].
tags: birds, Eastern Screech-owl, Megascops asio, ornithology, Image of the Day Eastern Screech-Owl, Megascops asio, in its nest tree in Central Park, NYC. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [larger size]. The photographer writes; From 1996 to 2002 the New York City Parks Department in conjunction with the Urban Park Service (think Park Rangers) conducted a program with the intriguing if vaguely ominous name of "Project X." The purpose of the program was to reintroduce native animal and plant species that had vanished from our city parks and, in some cases, our region. The "X" in…
tags: shark, elasmobranch, great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, Image of the Day This is the most amazing wildlife image I've ever seen. If you don't agree with me, then you have to show me what's more amazing than this! Kayaking with a Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias. Image: Thomas P. Peschak [purchase this image]. The photographer writes; To capture this image I tied myself to the tower of the research boat Lamnidae and leaned into the void, precariously hanging over the ocean while waiting patiently for a white shark to come along. I wanted to [take] a photograph that…
tags: birds, Greater Sage-Grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus, ornithology, Image of the Day Okay, I have to brag a little bit. I have been invited to Manhattan, Kansas, to go birding with Dave Rintoul and his ornithology students for one week at the end of March. I am almost beside myself with excitement right now as I look through Dave's many bird images -- which remind me of my own years of springtime birding on the west coast of this country. How I miss those days, and those birds! This is the seventh and last (for a little while) image in this series of Dave's beautiful pictures. Dave and…
tags: birds, Canvasback, Aythya valisineria, ornithology, Image of the Day Okay, I have to brag a little bit. I have been invited to Manhattan, Kansas, to go birding with Dave Rintoul and his ornithology students for one week at the end of March. I am almost beside myself with excitement right now as I look through Dave's many bird images -- which remind me of my own years of springtime birding on the west coast of this country. How I miss those days, and those birds! This is the sixth image in this series of Dave's beautiful pictures. The elegant Canvasback are one of my most favorite ducks…
tags: birds, yellow-headed blackbird, Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, ornithology, Image of the Day Okay, I have to brag a little bit. I have been invited to Manhattan, Kansas, to go birding with Dave Rintoul and his ornithology students for one week at the end of March. I am almost beside myself with excitement right now as I look through Dave's many bird images -- which remind me of my own years of springtime birding on the west coast of this country. How I miss those days, and those birds! This is the fifth image in this series of Dave's beautiful pictures. Like with all my "life list birds…
tags: birds, Long-earned Owl, Asio otus, ornithology, Image of the Day Okay, I have to brag a little bit. I have been invited to Manhattan, Kansas, to go birding with Dave Rintoul and his ornithology students for one week at the end of March. I am almost beside myself with excitement right now as I look through Dave's many bird images -- which remind me of my own years of springtime birding on the west coast of this country. How I miss those days, and those birds! This is the fourth image in this series of Dave's beautiful pictures. The strange long-eared owls are one of my most favorite owl…
tags: birds, Cinnamon Teal, Anas cyanoptera, ornithology, Image of the Day Okay, I have to brag a little bit. I have been invited to Manhattan, Kansas, to go birding with Dave Rintoul and his ornithology students for one week at the end of March. I am almost beside myself with excitement right now as I look through Dave's many bird images -- which remind me of my own years of springtime birding on the west coast of this country. How I miss those days, and those birds! This is the third image in this series of Dave's beautiful pictures. Male cinnamon teal, Anas cyanoptera, in breeding…
tags: birds, Black-necked Stilt, Himantopus mexicanus, ornithology, Image of the Day Okay, I have to brag a little bit. I have been invited to Manhattan, Kansas, to go birding with Dave Rintoul and his ornithology students for one week at the end of March. I am almost beside myself with excitement right now as I look through Dave's many bird images -- which remind me of my own years of springtime birding on the west coast of this country. How I miss those days, and those birds! This is the second image in this series. Black-necked Stilt, Himantopus mexicanus, Bear River Migratory Bird…
tags: birds, American Avocet, Recurvirostra americana, ornithology, Image of the Day Okay, I have to brag a little bit. I have been invited to Manhattan, Kansas, to go birding with Dave Rintoul and his ornithology students for one week at the end of March. I am almost beside myself with excitement right now as I look through Dave's many bird images -- which remind me of my own years of springtime birding on the west coast of this country. How I miss those days, and those birds! And yes, I would be thrilled to meet any of you who are in Manhattan Kansas -- "the little apple" as Dave calls it…
tags: birds, House finch, Carpodacus mexicanus, ornithology, Image of the Day Male house finch, Carpodacus mexicanus, in a hawthorne tree in Central Park, near the Metropolitan Musum of Art. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [larger size]. The photogrpaher writes: For a few weeks I have consistently found a small flock of House Finches near the playground adjacent to the southeastern edge of the Metropolitan Museum of Art between East 80th and 79th streets close to Fifth Avenue. The playground has a decorative entrance known as the Levy Gate upon which a prominent but tasteful…
tags: felidae, Sumatran tiger, Panthera tigris sumatrae, mammals, Image of the Day The Sumatran Tiger, Panthera tigris sumatrae, is under threat of extinction. There are only 100-300 left in the wild with 20 occurring in Harapan, Sumatra. Image: Dave Watts [larger view].