Links Dump

The Right-Wing Facebook - Welcome "Rudy Giuliani is wondering how he can fit 9/11 into a speech about agriculture policy." (tags: politics US silly) A Paler Shade of White: Musical Events: The New Yorker An attempt to find cultural significance in the fact that the author doesn't like indie rock. (tags: culture music) Cocktail Party Physics: e is for energy An index of sorts for conference blogging of the Industrial Physics Forum (tags: physics science industry)
...My heart's in Accra » Pop!Tech 2007 More interesting conference blogging posts than I can link individually (tags: gadgets society science computing economics education) The Prize That Even Some Laureates Question - New York Times Nobody likes the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (tags: economics Nobel)
Terra Sigillata : News Flash: Unathletic Kids Unpopular and Lonely Also, bad at sports. (tags: education silly sports) slacktivist: Gay-Hatin' Gospel (pt. 2) Part two in Fred Clark's series attempting to explain evangelical gay-bashing (tags: politics US religion) Optical Dilution and Feedback Cooling of a Gram-Scale Oscillator to 6.9 mK Blogged a while back, now in print: LIGO used lasers to cool the motion of a 1g mirror. (tags: physics science articles quantum low-temperature) Quantum Control of the Hyperfine Spin of a Cs Atom Ensemble Precision control of the quantum state of an…
Mixing Memory : Women in Math, Science, and Engineering, and Playing Video Games The solution to the gender disparity in science: Mandatory first-person shooters for everyone! (tags: gender science psychology) Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: Sweetening the Deal Handing out chocolate boosts teaching evaluation scores. (tags: academia education science) Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: A Sharp Critique of MBA Education A critique of business schools that goes beyond "They're full of assholes." (tags: academia…
Hopkins Is Boeheim's Designated Successor at Syracuse - New York Times Bernie Fine: Don't hold your breath, Mike... (tags: basketball) yoco :: College Basketball || (a sports weblog) analysis and commentary on college basketball and the ncaa tournament Georgie suspends three players for missing classes. Would they do this to the football team? (tags: basketball football) slacktivist: Gay-Hatin' Gospel (pt. 1) Fred Clark looks at some possible explanations for the rampant gay-bashing among evangelicals. (tags: religion US politics culture) On being a scientist and a woman : Teaching…
Crooked Timber » » Political science and economics High-level discussion of the economics Nobel (tags: Nobel economics politics academia) Mixing Memory : Women in Math, Science, and Engineering: Is It About the Numbers (And Not the Ones You Might Think)? Notes on the science of "social identity threat." (tags: psychology science gender academia) Likelihood of Burst Appendix Tied to Insurance - New York Times Insurance: topping the list of industries that need to be blown up and started over. (tags: medicine politics economics science) Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education…
Edge-Serpentine Gallery: FORMULAE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Equations as art objects (via Cosmic Variance) (tags: science art blogs) Marginal Revolution: Mechanism Design for Grandma The Economics Nobel explained (tags: economics Nobel news)
Friends, not policies, win elections - Physics World - I am shocked-- shocked!-- to learn that voters don't always elect the candidate woth the best policies. (tags: politics physics stupid journals) C. Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Blogs For those times when you want to use a LOLcat in a Science article... (via Neurophilosophy) (tags: blogs academia journals) Pure Pedantry : Crazy Useful Paper on Statistics Error bars, their use and misuse. (Months old, because I'm clearing some old stuff out of my RSS reader in advance of Big Changes) (tags: math science…
Overheard in New York | History Is an Unbroken Chain of Irony (tags: silly) YouTube - Cowboy Bebop AMV - Woolongs for Nothing A classic Dire Straits video redone with Cowboy Bebop characters (tags: anime music youtube silly)
Nonlocal Quantum Effects with Bose-Einstein Condensates New theoretical resutls having to do with measurements of particles in two independent condensates show some cool quantum effects (tags: physics quantum science articles) Finite-Temperature Collective Dynamics of a Fermi Gas in the BEC-BCS Crossover Experimental resuts looking at fermionic atoms near the transition analogoue to that in a superconductor. (tags: physics quantum science articles experiment) Nonlinear Phase Shift from Photon-Photon Scattering in Vacuum QED effects may shift the phase of really intense laser pulses due…
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2007 - Speed Read The Nobel committee explains the Chemistry prize (tags: chemistry Nobel science news) PhysicsCentral: Nanobowl Video Contest: Win World's Smallest Trophy! Make a YouTube video showing the physics of football, win a nanoscale trophy (tags: youtube science physics football sports) Freaky Ninja Turtle Dog Click the image for video. Not even a poodle deserves this. (tags: dog pictures stupid) Single top: new results from CDF! « A Quantum Diaries Survivor The latest exotic particle news. (tags: physics science news experiment) New quantum…
By popular request, I'm moving the links below the fold. Click "Read on" to find a wealth of links to Nobel Prize information, colorful bunnies, and early basketball information. You R Here: MTV News Live Music Coverage » Ticket Stubs: Bob Dylan, The Shins, Breaking Benjamin, Lifehouse MTV News notes my Dylan concert review. Does this count against my fifteen minutes? (tags: music news concert) Blogging at MentorNet New blog from a prominent science and engineering mentoring organization. They could stand to add some sidebar links, though. (tags: academia science gender blogs) Troths…
Physics 2007 Fert and Grunberg, for Giant Magnetoresistance. People have been calling for this for years. (tags: physics news science)
The Booze News Because the world needs another web site dedicated to drunk college students (tags: academia stupid) Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: The Educrats' Attack on Teaching Hugo Schwyzer goes to a workshop on "improving student learning outcomes," then gets snarky about it. (tags: academia education) YouTube - "Dog" An anti-drug ad from people on drugs (tags: silly drugs dog) Taming tiny, unruly waves for nano optics Fairly garbled press release about light propagation at nanometer scales. (tags: physics news science) Confessions of a…
BBC SPORT | Rugby Union | Laws & Equipment | Rugby union positions guide A guide to accompany the World Cup (tags: sports rugby) Particle-physics detector warms to forest fires - Physics World - New spin-off technology from CERN. Clearly, we must build the ILC! (tags: physics experiment gadgets science) Tom Baker Says... Via bassfingers on LiveJournal (tags: silly)
Cognitive Daily: Casual Fridays: Most citizens don't pass the citizenship test I aced it, how about you? (tags: politics science US) james_nicoll: Where are the collapsed world-states of SF "Isn't it a little odd,..., how few SF settings ever seem to have an Earth where a world-government has collapsed into contending states?" (tags: SF) Red Squirrels - Gray Squirrels - Great Britain - Animals - Pests - Invasive Species - New York Times Emmy is available to help... (tags: animals dog biology) ZIPskinny - Get the Skinny on that ZIP Demographic information by ZIP code, and comparisons…
Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: Early (Encouraging) Data on Early Colleges If you offer college courses to good high-school students, they do better in college. Also, grass tends to be green. (tags: education academia) Improbable Research The 2007 Ig Nobel Prizes have been awarded. (tags: science silly news) Off the Kuff: On nominating judges Comments from someone who knows the process from the inside (tags: politics news) OpinionJournal - Leisure & Arts The good news that only the WSJ will bring you... (tags: Iraq war politics news)…
Euler's Constancy A short biography of and tribute to the mathematician Leonhard Euler, who did a bit of everything (tags: math academia physics) Scientists 'weigh' tiny galaxy halfway across universe Six billion light years away, 1/100th the mass of the Milky Way (tags: astronomy news science) nanoscale views: Challenges in measurement When expensive equipment blows up your samples (tags: physics experiment) The industrial space age A Swedish scientist suggests putting industry in space, and dumping trash on the Moon (tags: astronomy space science) U-M research: New plastic is…
Stopping atoms A "coil-gun" method for slowing atomic beams without lasers, from the Raizen group at Texas (tags: physics low-temperature science atoms) Confessions of a Community College Dean: An Open Letter to Mayor Richard M. Daley The Dean Dad is less polite to Hizzoner than I was (tags: academia stupid education) Finance Blog - Market Movers by Felix Salmon: Blogonomics: RSS Feeds - The economic case for full-text RSS feeds. Cory Doctorow has been pushing this for years. (tags: blogs economics RSS) Next steps for physics graduates - Physics World -…
School cheating scandal divides New Hampshire community - International Herald Tribune At some point, wouldn't it actually be easier to learn stuff, rather than breaking into the school to steal the exams? (tags: stupid education) PhysMath Central takes off with a big bang (tags: physics journals academia open-access) Are women being scared away from math, science, and engineering fields? (tags: academia physics psychology gender) Menace in a bottle An NMR-based method for distinguishing shampoo from scaaaary liquids that can't go on planes. (tags: stupid science physics travel)…