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Quantum Hoops We're still not sure whether they won or lost. (tags: basketball academia sports physics movies) slacktivist: King and Huck The difference between the religious language of Martin Luther King and Mike Huckabee. (tags: religion politics US society culture) Coping With the Crunch :: Inside Higher Ed :: Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education A good summary of the physics funding problems created by the recent spending bill. (tags: physics economics politics news academia US) SF Signal: MIND MELD: Today's SF Authors Define Science Fiction (Part 2) The ever-popular…
Confessions of a Community College Dean: Civility The Dean Dad's one-sentence campus civility code. (tags: academia culture society humanities social-science) I Can Has Rezearch Papar? by Cyle Gage The semiotics of LOLCats. Or Maybe it's the hemeneutics of LOLCats. I get those mixed up. (tags: culture humanities internet academia) MESSENGER: MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging The first image of the previously unseen hemisphere of Mercury. (tags: astronomy planets news science)
Overheard in New York | The United Nations, Encapsulated "They have been underestimating my power for quite some time now." (tags: silly blogs) SFFWorld 2007 Best Reads Review (Part 1) A discussion of the best in fantasy last year. (tags: books literature SF review) SFFWorld Best Reads 2007 (Part II) - Page 1 of 4 A discussion of the best science fiction of the year. (tags: books literature SF review) NASA - Messenger Spacecraft - Mercury - Space - New York Times Messenger visits Mercury, but it will be a few days before we get cool pictures. (tags: science space news planets astronomy…
Just Science 2008 » Just Science 2008 People blogging about nothing but science, Feb. 4-8. (tags: blogs science) Fantasy and Science Fiction: Fiction A Nebula-nominated story, available online. Yet another thing I'll read in my copious free time. (tags: space stories books) Prisoner's lawsuit says it was too easy to escape - Los Angeles Times ""Defendants . . . did next to nothing to ensure that the jail was secure and the plaintiff could not escape," says Gomez's lawsuit" (tags: stupid news)
Copernicus' Secret - Jack Repcheck - Book Review - New York Times Copernicus, you dog! (tags: history science astronomy books review) Libraries Digging Deep for Geothermal Savings - New York Times They're doing this for the high school near our house. (tags: environment energy science gadgets) The Little Professor: The Academic Olympics It would probably get better ratings. (tags: academia silly) When a Mountaintop Might as Well Have Been the Moon - New York Times A tribute to Sir Edmund Hillary. (tags: history news nostalgia)
YouTube - Svezia, Inferno E Paradiso (1968) The origin of everybody's favorite Muppet earworm, via the AV Club. (tags: music video youtube silly movies television) YouTube - Muppets - Mahna Mahna The Muppet version. You can thank me later. (tags: music silly television youtube) Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: Maybe He Shouldn't Have Spoken His Mind Valdosta State student expelled for protesting a parking garage. Don't mess with parking in academia. (tags: academia stupid news) Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed ::…
Why don't we drop medical waste and nuclear waste into active volcanoes? - By Daniel Engber - Slate Magazine The Question of the Year. I was rooting for "Is it possible I have the softest cat in the world?" (tags: environment science silly) Hubble finds double Einstein ring Three galaxies, all in a row. (tags: astronomy science news pictures) A.V. Club Taste Test Special: The Bowl At The Howling Rim Of Famous-Ity | The A.V. Club Patton Oswalt taste-tests the KFC Famous Bowl (tags: food review silly) YouTube - Murder Unscripted Writers, who needs 'em? (tags: video youtube television…
Lounge of the Lab Lemming: Geophysicists moderate neutrons Estimating conference attendance by the attenuation of the cosmogenic neutron flux due to people on the exhibit floor. (tags: physics silly science) A Natural Scientist: Before You Sign Up For Indentured Servitude The three most important decisions in grad school: Advisor, Advisor, Advisor. (tags: academia science education) Mars Gets Women: Grad School Letters "[S]ubmitting the letters has gotten to be such an aggravation that it just sent me into a steaming rage, loudly swearing a blue streak that could be heard up and down the…
PHD Comics: Research Diagram/Research Reality No schematic survives its first encounter with the apparatus. (tags: silly comics science experiment) Teens find the benefits of not having sex decline with age "The greatest change in attitudes was among teens who became sexually experienced during the study period. For those teens, the percentage who said that not having sex resulted in only positive experiences dropped from 40 percent to 6 percent." (tags: sex news science psychology society) New nanostructured thin film shows promise for efficient solar energy conversion "When compared…
Economists Say Movie Violence Might Temper the Real Thing - New York Times "From 6 p.m. to midnight on weekends -- when the largest numbers of people are in theaters -- violent crimes decreased 1.3 percent for every million people watching a strongly violent movie, the study found. Violent crimes dropped 1.1 percent for every (tags: economics movies society psychology) xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe Ron Paul shot before Greedo. (tags: comics politics SF silly movies) Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: ABC…
BBC NEWS | Magazine Monitor 100 things the BBC didn't know until last year. (tags: culture politics review society science education environment humanities history)
World Hum | Travel Books | The Trouble With 'Smile When You're Lying' Thoughts about what's wrong with travel writing, and why. (tags: travel writing books review journalism) What if the BCS Ran the NFL - FanHouse - AOL Sports Blog "Cowboys fans are upset that they have been shut out of the Bud Bowl championship game, but the Cowboys late-season slide allowed the Colts to jump ahead of them in both the coaches poll and the computer rankings. " (tags: football sports silly television) WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL The parable of the talents re-enacted: a pastor gave $50 loans to every adult in…
Report on Evaluating Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion "In the aggregate, PhDs in the fields represented by the MLA appear to have about a 35% chance of getting tenure." (tags: academia education humanities jobs) Crooked Timber » » Closing the books A list of the arguments Daniel Davies is no longer having. (tags: politics religion economics academia education culture society war) Physics Buzz: NOVA Tackles Hot and Cold NOVa special on BEC, next Tuesday at 8. Don't miss it. (tags: physics low-temperature science television) The Box Of Paperbacks Book Club: Final Blackout by L. Ron…
The Invisible Ingredient in Every Kitchen - New York Times Harold McGee on heat. (tags: food science) Inside college parties: surprising findings about drinking behavior "A uniquely designed study instead had researchers visit college parties, gathering data on the spot. Findings revealed that drinking games and themed parties are associated with higher levels of drinking." I'm shocked-- shocked! (tags: academia drugs psychology science news) Iowa Caucus 101: How It Works (and It Does. Really.) - The Carpetbagger Report For those who care. (tags: US politics) Justine Larbalestier »…
A Wily Road Warrior's Airport Tips Frank Luntz on how to survive modern air travel. (tags: travel society US) Drivers on cell phones clog traffic I am shocked-- shocked!-- to learn that talking on the phone impairs drivers. (tags: psychology US stupid science news) Jon Swift: Best Blog Posts of 2007 (Chosen by the Bloggers Themselves) A rather lengthy list, in case you find yourself with time to kill (tags: blogs politics writing science culture society journalism) io9. Strung out on science fiction. SF gets the Gawker treatment (tags: blogs culture news SF literature movies society…
Pop Culture News: The new group music/ pop culture blog from Jeff Giles, Jason Hare, Py Korry, and others. Future home of Chart Attack! and Adventures Through the Mines of Mellow Gold. Adjust your RSS feeds accordingly. (tags: music culture blogs television movies) The World Question Center 2008 "What have you changed your mind about? Why?" (tags: science politics religion psychology biology chemistry physics economics academia math) My Year Of Flops Case File # 98 Rent | The A.V. Club "The film and play follow a series of suspiciously middle-aged-looking scruffy bohemian…
Popless Week Zero: Stopping In The Name Of Love | The A.V. Club Noel Murray plans to spend 2008 not listenins to any new music-- old songs only. (tags: music review culture) Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: God, Fashion, Affect The hot new books at the MLA. Page-turners all, I'm sure. (tags: academia books culture) MLAde 2007 A helpful guide for people attending the MLA meeting-- note the policy on smirking. (tags: academia culture silly) Welcome Disturbing numbers about law school admissions. (tags: academia diversity race law)
The Bush administration's dumbest legal arguments of the year. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine "3) Alberto Gonzales: I am forced to put the former attorney general into his own category only because were I to attempt to round up his best legal whoppers of the calendar year, it would overwhelm the rest of the lis" (tags: law politics US stupid war) John Crowley Little and Big - Jesus and Satan Together At Last A fascinating discussion of Mormon theology, among other things. (tags: religion US politics history society culture literature) Classical Music - New York Times Classical…
Crooked Timber » » Science, and anti-science, in action The saga of the peppered moth as an example of evolution in action. (tags: biology experiment politics science) Some Road Songs The official government list of songs that mention highways. (tags: music travel US silly society culture) Matthew Yglesias (December 28, 2007) - Predicting CW (Culture) Why political betting markets aren't interesting or useful. (tags: US politics economics) Reason Magazine - The Amateurs' Hour "Whatever Keen (or I) may believe the future holds, it's not society's job to ensure that journalism remains…
Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: The Identity Studies for Everyone The latest literary-studies fad: Age Studies. (tags: academia literature) village voice > art > Meet the East Village "It" Couple of Young-Adult Lit by Carol Cooper A profile of Scott Westerfeld and Justine Larbalestier, whose books you should go buy. (tags: books SF literature culture society writing) The 50 Most Loathsome People in America "35. Tim Russert Charges: [...] Impossible to watch him interview any woman on "Meet the Press" without fearing he'll suddenly waggle his…