Lotsa Links

The work week is over. Now we get the work weekend! Anyway, links for you. Science: Season of Birth May Have Long-Term Effects on Personality, Study Suggests (in mice, usual caveats apply, etc.) The economic case for open access in academic publishing When's the Best Time to Publish Blog Posts? (Bora told me this years ago, but it's still good advice) Other: FESTIVAL OF DIM LIGHTS: A Children's Treasury of Sarah Palin Facebook Commenters On Hanukkah Escalators: Picking Losers Trade policy and job loss Wikileaks And The End of the Open Internet Not Crass, Class Note to Religious Liberals:…
Links for you: The NCAA Should Shut Down Notre Dame's Football Program Casting Light on "The Moment of Truth" 9.8%: The Number That The Deficit Commission Left Out WikiLeaks and the Myth of Objective Journalism (the key point is that journalists serve as a filter, but why should they be the filter?) Judges struggled to limit O'Brien: Record examined as Patrick seeks sway over probation Obama's Deficit Frankenstein The American Jobs Emergency Requires Action The Infernal Commissions of Elites Should Give Way To One of Real People (I would set the income cutoff at $75,000, but the point is…
Links for you. Science: Congress Critters enlist the taxpayers in the war on NSF funded science Another reason to avoid visiting Answers in Genesis Polluted Air Increases Obesity Risk in Young Animals: Exposure to polluted air early in life led to an accumulation of abdominal fat and insulin resistance in mice even if they ate a normal diet, according to new research. Citizens Against Peer Review Eric Cantor Wants Our Grandmas to Decide Science Funding Other: Feds Warrantlessly Tracking Americans' Credit Cards in Real Time No Free Parking Web bug reveals browsing history: Porn sites are…
Merry Monday. Links for you. Science: Antibiotics need to become controlled substances and regulated The toll due to secondhand smoke Oil, Ploughs, and Gender Roles NBC's 'Biggest Loser' Contestants: Caricatures, Not Role Models Other: What Good Is Wall Street? Much of what investment bankers do is socially worthless. Congressmember Bob Filner: Confronting racist Tea Party violence on election night The Great Urban Communication Divide The Jane Hamshers Of The Left Freezing Out Hope
Links for you. Science: Heavy sleep debt extracts a price for patients More Bad News from Neverland. The FDA Guidance on Nosocomial Pneumonia. If You're Gonna Touch My Junk, At Least Grab the Data Other: You Are No Longer Free To Move About the Country Willful Self Destruction Why We Fight (about neo-Confederates) Meet the Hazzards The Diary of a Wheelchair Experiment
I wonder if Julian Assange has any information related to Pepsigate. While you ponder that, here are some links for you. Science: Data visualization is cool One scientist's hobby: recreating the ice age Meet the pangolin, the mammal that thinks it's a reptile Other: When Downtown Crossing had Christmas Magic (Amazing pictures) Fairness and the cost of life for the poor in Britain Ireland is Bankrupt...a letter from an Irish citizen Taxing the Rich: It's All Relative Parliamentary Parties in a Presidential System
Happy Thursday! Better late than never. Science: 10 benefits (for my career) of blogging/tweeting/etc #fb Insects: slaves in a fungal nation Restricting Gene Patents: A Pro-Market Agenda Other: Guest blog: Now Nearing the BPS Lottery Starting Line... (As I've written several times, cities will ultimately turn around completely only if they can improve education) Why men rape (Yes, the feminists were right) Underclothes That Display The 4th Amendment When X-Rayed by TSA (I want an undershirt that says, "JUNK", with a big arrow pointing towards my 'groin area.' I like being helpful!)…
Wednesday. Blah. Links--science goes firstest: Thanksgiving Science: Tryptophacts and Tryptophantasies Where have all the data gone? The Mystery of the Red Bees of Red Hook Other: More thoughts on junk touching Will Saletan Seemingly Determined to Miss the Point on Scanning vs. Groping "Effects of the Financial Crisis and Great Recession on American Households" Sarah Palin's Brand of 'Feminism' More Popular With Men Than Women: Palin peddles a shallow narcissism dressed in 'empowering' feminist language. The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the Congress with His Head Up His Ass While…
Happy Tuesday. Links for you. Science: GQ Rockstars of Science - the demographics New research on bedbug insecticide resistance The antidepressant reboxetine: A headdesk moment in science Other: Bernanke hints dollar standard is flawed (trade war? Could be) Learning About KIPP: Lesson 1 Is Student Debt the Next Front in the Consumer Debt Crisis? (problem is that it's nearly impossible to default on) The real reason for grope-athon and porn-scanners The cost of being cheap Falling in love with a life of adventure when the grown-ups want you to go into accounting
Links for you. Science: Let Loose the Coyotes? Chicago Embraces Rat-Hunting Predators (if they go after those annoying little yippy dogs, that's an extra bonus) The boundaries of mental illness On jargon, and why it matters in science writing Other: The Mandate BARRY RUBIN GETS THE FJM TREATMENT LOOK AT ALL THAT RED! The Problem of the Humanities Stan Greenberg: Afghanistan War Likely Cause of Primary Challenge
Links for you. Science: How complexity leads to simplicity (video) Lost & Cast Away: Ten Amazing Uninhabited Islands Mapping fitness: landscapes, topographic maps, and Seattle Other: Mistaken assumptions: jobs, business and tax cuts Corporate America Hearts Obama (from 2008, but worth reading in light of the last two years) GE to state: Give us money or these jobs buy it Dogs Don't Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving Compromise on Social Security and Medicare? Why My Center-Left Friends are Wrong NONE DARE CALL IT SABOTAGE....
Links for you. Science The weird evolutionary story of cranberries T. Rex Tail Built for Speed BP Controlling University Research, and Professor Who Downplayed Oil Spill Called a "Shill" By Fellow Professor Other: The 'Giving' Season Paycheck Fairness Dies in the Senate Virtuous Sabotage Did The Rich Cause The Deficit? Why Can't We Be the Job Creators? (we are: demand creates jobs, not corporations, who, if they could, want to shed jobs)
Links for you. Science: Friday Weird Science: That MotherF**king HURTS!!! Cane toads are evolving into super-invaders Bacterial resistance to chronic antibiotics, and why it's a problem Other: Repudiating Liberalism or Obama When School Improvement, Seniority and Talking Points Collide Report looks at role of poverty, parents in student success Aging Hiding From Reality
Links for you. Science: Natural Selection and Macroevolution in your lifetime Gluttonous amoeba White House science office faces lawsuit Other: Unemployed Councils, Eviction Riots, and the New Deal Misleading tax and spend rhetoric--public worker "overcompensation" and "too-high pensions" Welcome To Another Of Ken Buck's Ethical Misfires (where does the GOP dig these guys up?) Ezra Looks Over There At the Debt-to-GDP Ratio Seating All the Americas at the Same Table
Links for you. Science: Money CAN buy happiness...well, sort of. Bridges that resist the rust: Strong, lightweight, easy-to-assemble arches with no steel bars may solve a New England problem Other: The Fastidious President Calling Bullshit on The News The ongoing, albeit amusing, battle to save Bristol Tax the transactions? Ensign played Reid in Angle debate prep; Angle once said dictators can have "good ideas" How the elections taught me to understand a comic book
Links for you. Science: 7 Deadliest Bacteria on Earth The Army Ant Entourage (some amazing pictures here) Graduate Student Becomes Target of Choice for Animal Rights Extremists Taxing soft drinks to combat obesity Other: Unintended Consequences: Raising Retirement Age Could Cause Spike in Disability Payments The Ten Lessons of Rahmses -- Lesson Seven (Daley makes Menino look fantastic) Republicans Like Eric Cantor Aren't Actually Serious People Hippies Punched Sheriff Dart: 5% of Chicago's Foreclosures DON'T Have Problems
Links for you. Science: More to Pseudomonads than the kiwifruit crisis.... Rare Golden Sea Robin Landed and Released At Captain Joe's A de novo paradigm for mental retardation Other: As the stomach turns The NYT's Apocalypse: $1 Trillion a Year in Interest on the National Debt UK Students trash British Conservatives' HQ ... the children's crusade Businesses Do Not Create Jobs Braun: Heroic N.J. teacher was sacrificed for political cause in hidden video (movement conservatives are slime) Begging For Grown-ups (the last half is worth the read)
Still kinda nice out. If you're stuck inside though, here are some links. Science: News break: 1 in 7 Medicare patients seriously harmed by hospitals Problem-solving bacteria crack sudoku New Bacteria-Killing Light Can Destroy Superbugs With the Flip of a Switch Other: Seriously, Jail the Bankers or This Economy Will Never Fully Recover Disinflation Continues Health Care and Bailout Votes May Have Hurt Democrats Touched by a Stranger (for some 'freedom touching' is more than a little creepy, it opens old wounds) Lad tricks bully into drinking urine, needs advice (the bully deserved it.…
It's Friday! Links for you. Science: Evolutionary trees help to convict men who knowingly infected women with HIV Superbugs call for super changes in drug-sale rules My delightfully uninteresting genome FDA Artificial Pancreas Hearing: Beating a Path to the Real World Other: Because This Type of Shit Happens Every Day Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? Death vs. Taxes During a Storm The Culture War Goes Ballroom An open letter to George M Philip, President of the State University of New York At Albany This Much I Am Sure Of
Links for you. Science: You (patent pending) Drug testing and basic statistics HPV Vaccine: Why Are So Few Women Getting Vaccinated? (when HuffPo gets it right, reward good behavior) Other: Vouchers only for the faithful Teachers Take Charge To Save Ailing Public Schools (interestingly, the very first charter schools were created by teachers who wanted independence from centralized administration) Glenn Beck's Anti-Semitic Attacks The Mandate Generation Why? (since I'm a Facebook Luddite, I'm inclined to agree) The man who writes your students' papers tells his story